Team Zissou

I assumed he mistakenly called him George because he confused his name with George de Mohrenschildt.

It's pretty much the same play the Brooklyn Nine-Nine writers are doing with Jake and Amy. From the retrospectives posted on this site, it sounds like those writers were pretty self-aware in knowing that the romantic plots were not their strongest, so they decided to just plow ahead and keep the relationship mostly in

From what I remember, it took her a long time to get a standalone issue in New Avengers, and then she has one where she hooks up with Barton literally right before Secret Invasion happens. Then Secret Invasion happens and she disappears from the book for absolutely no reason.

What about the bad guys being a bunch of dwarves who chop off people's legs to punish them for making fun of little people? Probably the dumbest and most offensive thing Ennis has done in the Punisher books, I think. This is why I've avoided the Boys like the plague.

Why are they keeping him on Batman Beyond??! Whhhhhyyyyy

Surprisingly, the book I'm most curious/excited about his James Tynion IV's Detective Comics.

I've wondered for a long time about whether I should pick up Tellos, just due to my love of Mike Wieringo's art. I recently got my fiancee to read the Waid/Wieringo Fantastic Four run and I forgot how unique and delightful his artwork was. It made you just want to hug all of the characters.

It kind of sounds like that happened? The last thing I remember is that he was writing the Wolverine title in the lead-up to the Death of Wolverine storyline, but then they gave that story to Charles Soule and ignored everything that Cornell was doing in the main title to set it up. It didn't sound like a pleasant and

I also remember dropping Batman/Superman during its initial arc. The relentless dual narration was just a little too silly and ill-fitting for the stories Loeb was trying to tell.

I recently listened to the Jay & Miles Explain the X-Men podcast where they dive into Pryde of the X-Men. One of the things they discussed is how Stan Lee narrated all the cartoons for a period during the 80's and early 90's. It reminded me how comforting his narration felt, and how it was the earliest feeling we had

I've been reading the MK Punisher run on Marvel Unlimited too! It's a lot more fun than I expected. I've read most of Ennis' Punisher stories, but I skipped from the Welcome Back, Frank maxi-series straight to his Punisher MAX books because I had read some really negative things about his Marvel Knights run. Namely,

For a recent excellent story involving the Apocalypse mythos, I'd suggest the Dark Angel Saga from Rick Remender's Uncanny X-Force. There's an Ultimate Collection that includes the first half of his run, and that's all you'll need.

If the later period of Bendis/Maleev DD is a little too heavy on the misery, then I'd recommend taking a short break before reading Brubaker's run. It's very well done, of course, but I felt a little weighed down during that run because Brubaker puts Matt through the ringer so deep that I felt like a bit much for me

Agghh oh no! I was just in Annapolis this past weekend for the first time ever. What's the name of your store? I'll make sure to drop by if I'm ever in the area again.

It was certainly my favorite shorthand for describing director Jason Mann during the most recent season of Project Greenlight.

Yeah, where the hell is our newswire! I want to discuss the creative teams!

You should probably read it after finishing Starman since it picks up on his status quo at the end of the series. Happy reading!

I'm a bit late on this one, but the background gag continues at the end of the episode and the frames have been knocked over and there's a giant tear in the wall because the tv has fallen off.

I'm enjoying the 2099 book (mostly since it's my monthly dose of PAD), but the name is confusing to me. Civilians seem to just shrug and call him Spider-Man and it's unclear if people are familiar with him in the universe or if they think he's just the regular one but in a fancy costume he decided to wear that day.

You're probably right. The recent (amazing) Shade maxi series limped to the finishing line due to low sales, with fans worrying DC would cancel it after the first six. It's a great story, though I'm disappointed it didn't sell well enough to warrant a hardcover that could sit next to my Starman omnibuses.