Team Zissou

I really loved All-New X-Factor and thought it was a refreshing change from the previous team, whom I also loved but it became clear near the end that PAD was brushing against his limit with generating interesting stories for them.

B&R Eternal has gotten less interesting as it became more plot-heavy and Mother-focused. It's still okay, though I preferred the earlier issues that mostly consisted of the Bat family hanging out and being friends.

Oh no I'm a bit late because I took my students on a field trip! Here goes:

Maybe it's time for the Stepford Cuckoos?

After watching Kingsman and First Class, I became overwhelmed by the amount of racist and sexist themes in Matthew Vaughn movies. It's a shame because he has a real flair for staging great set pieces. Unfortunately, I've started to realize why he's best buds with Mark Millar.

Right, and the Horsemen seem to change every time we see them. I'm totally fine with this lineup.

That's a good point. A surprising number of comic creators these days often say they got into the X-Men from the 90's cartoon as well. A lot of my adult non-comic-reading friends claim to be X-Men fans and they pretty much went straight from the cartoon to the movies.

I guess the movies with the most outright contradictions in character depictions are the Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which I can understand why Singer wanted to ignore them.

And a chance to develop him further than "stick in the mud!"

The Emma Frost stuff would be really hard to pull off because of the age gap. They already had January Jones play her in First Class, and I believe she's one of the characters who died between movies… ?

There have been a few other good runs in the X-books since the Morrison era, especially in the spinoff books. I'd recommend Kieron Gillen's Uncanny X-Men, Rick Remender's Uncanny X-Force, Zeb Wells' New Mutants, and Peter Milligan/Mike Allred's X-Statix if you haven't gotten to those.

That's true, and the whole climax of the last movie was built around Mystique's redemption (and mutantkind's, in turn).

Aside from the silly and simplistic plot, the first one still holds up with its pared down cast with strong themes and very clear relationships. The only character who really stinks in that one is Storm. Either way, I remember the movie being a groundbreaking breath of fresh air when it came out - especially because

This is a super biased opinion, but as a teacher I'm so happy the show is retiring its god awful school plots.

I only own the first collection but it is a prized item of mine. I don't think I bought the rest because they were generally a little expensive for how many pages they actually contained. I've always wanted to own my own Mego Spidey. Hmmmm… what's stopping me now?! *Scours ebay*

Oh my mistake. Yes I'm sure his mom enjoys his reviews!

You're missing an important aspect of Mr. Sava's personal life that I think tends to inform his SJW opinions.

Superheroes leaving giant burning calling cards is a cliche that needs to end.

Maguire was a delight to watch during the origin scenes from the first movie and the "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" montage from the second. Those fun scenes were all as Peter Parker though, not Spider-Man, so I suppose everyone's point still holds.

I'm surprised no one has pointed it out by now, but this episode was directed by James Franco!