Team Zissou

Regarding Bendis: Powers is pretty great, and I'd wholeheartedly recommend the first 7 trades of that (From "Who Killed Retro Girl?" to "Forever"). After that, it's still fairly good but with some diminishing returns. He probably should have ended it by now.

Aside from just looking nicer on your shelf, they're also easier for lending.

Johns' retooling of Superboy was even worse, taking the delightfully dense but well-meaning bro "Kon-El" version of the character and turning him into a generic moody teen with daddy issues.

The Annihilators minis are really strange. They're sort of like dumb Saturday morning cartoons where our heroes punch the bad guys while making lame jokes. Most of the returning DnA characters have none of the personality they had in previous stories (Quasar, Ronan, Kallark). Beta Ray Bill is essentially a non-entity.

Valiant: Harbinger, Imperium, Ivar Timewalker
Image: Morning Glories(!!!), Southern Bastards, Lazarus, Velvet

I see so many slogging GL: Rebirth, but Flash: Rebirth is even worse, you guys! At least we eventually got Sinestro Corps War as a result of GL: Rebirth. Johns tried to recreate the "magic" of that book again, but this time with Barry Allen instead of Hal Jordan, and still managed to find diminishing returns. Johns

Justice is a unique book because you're conditioned to expect a huge epic story whenever Ross draws interior art, but it's almost a pleasant surprise when you get a pretty standard Justice League story instead.

The Princess Leia mini was the first snoozer for me out of the recent Star Wars Marvel books. I find the main title and especially the Darth Vader books to be the best of the bunch. Even the Lando mini was pretty fun! The rest of the character-centric books just haven't been doing it for me. I hopped off from

Finished up my DnA Cosmic Marvel read!

I actually thought Batman Earth One was ok, especially compared to the huge stink bomb that was Superman Earth One. Some of the ideas are really interesting (the handsome celebrity Detective Bullock, Martha Wayne being from the Arkham family), though the execution is pretty hit or miss. At the very least, Gary Frank's

The huge change in Spider-Man's loner status came when Bendis added him to the New Avengers, under Millar's suggestion during a retreat.

Best of luck! Hope we still see you around. Like @adamfrey:disqus said, you can always post in the evening or over the weekend. I love responding to threads and check it a few times over the weekend, though I do understand the rush every week to post during daytime hours. Obviously it's up to you though. We'll keep

And the guy running his own head through a pipe!

I remember there was a viral photo of a theater blatantly advertising their 4:20 showing of Tree of Life during its initial release, with the subtext being pretty clear.

He also likes to claim that his doctor character in Dark Knight Rises is the same doctor who works with Sammy Jenkins in Memento… which means that Man of Steel does not exist in the Dark Knight universe, but Memento does!

We watched Oliver Stone's JFK and, in hindsight, my teacher didn't provide nearly enough disclaimers for us and basically treated it like a documentary.

I'd put Cooke and Shaner in the mix too!

It might have to do with how there's so many Jim Lee imitators these days - especially whenever DC tries to have a "House Style." There are also so many artists who were inspired by him (Tony Daniel, Jason Fabok, Ed Benes, etc.) that it makes his style look a little old.

"Archie's still straight, though."

I vaguely recall Bill's name from the book, but I've completely forgotten what he actually did in the story. Any reminders?