Team Zissou

What I like about Valiant is their commitment to only running a handful of monthly titles at a time so that they can manage the quality control. I just read an interview with Matt Kindt where he discussed how much he enjoys being able to build the universe with a small team of the same writers and artists who decide

It was the playful kind of light crossover you don't see anymore these days. I was also a fan of Flashback Month over at Marvel where they released a bunch of -1 issues for all their titles.

Me too! I have no idea how the next collection is going to work around the events, which are presumably collected in their own books already. I remember some issues being labeled as tie-ins and others not, featuring Batman in his "no more secret ID" status quo but taking on regular foes. It'll probably be

I'm on the Clay Mann bandwagon as well, ever since he did some strong fill-in work on Brubaker's Daredevil. His Age of X artwork is probably my favorite he's done.

On the plus side, we could possibly get a new writer who can write a Peter Quill who isn't a smug, handsome Han Solo knockoff!

Based solely on Geoff Johns' big interview, it sounds like a very desperate move that's necessary at this point. The implicit subtext is how they've really screwed the pooch since the New 52 and they feel the need to fix the course yet again.

I'm on vacation! I read one big trade though and I made sure to be on Wi-Fi so I could post on Big Issues this week.

One scene that stands out to me is Angier using his Tesla machine for the first time and being surprised by what he sees, then immediately taking out a gun and shooting his double, who is equally shocked and begs him to stop. Truly horrifying.

That, plus another scene where Borden is arguing with his wife and Fallon goes to comfort their daughter. I had a real, "What's the deal with that guy?" moment there. Plus the fact that he was in a ton of scenes but I couldn't figure out which famous actor must have been playing him, based on the posters and trailers.

The Lord Caldlow moment is aided by the fact that we were so used to seeing Hugh Jackman play one of the good guys. I remember describing the trailer to my friends as "Wolverine and Batman as dueling magicians." Bale, by contrast, had played several dark characters by this point. It is easy to go into this movie

The fanbase for Agents of SHIELD (particularly on this very website's review) is one of the most bizarre ones I've ever seen. The commentariat particularly HATES Oliver Sava for not being an uberfan of the show. It's just a mildly entertaining spy show that has a few good characters in an overstuffed cast. I think

For me, I eventually got over it because the character was written well and given a fitting exit. It made sense within the story and it seemed that she made a sacrifice. Did it motivate another male character in the process? Yes, that's true.

Even if DC was not-great right before the reboot, it was still salvageable because of how much history was there plus the amount of affection fans still had for the characters. Since the New 52, it's be hard to find anything to invest in because the writing has been so lackluster.

I was saddened by that development as well, for the reason you mentioned plus (1) I really liked the character in her introduction in Archer & Armstrong and (2) I felt that she hadn't accomplished enough for it to really matter.

I think Arrow is the most consistently watchable of the DC shows. Even when its plots are mediocre (such as most of season 3), it just moves so fast that it can't help but be entertaining. At its worst, it still goes down very easily.

True. There's a difference between Marvel being in a bit of a lull period and what DC did with the New 52. They took their preexisting fans' favorite stories and characters and shelved them so that no one could EVER play with them again. With Marvel, it's at least hopeful that the pendulum can swing back like it has

I still can't believe they're moving Snyder over to the 2nd-tier Batbook — even if the rumors are true and writer/genius Tom King takes over as the book goes bi-monthly. Snyder/Capullo's Batman book has been the #1 consistently praised and high-selling title in their entire line since the New 52 relaunch. This is a

I read so many books! A lot of Valiant.

Are you caught up on the character?

Anchorman 2 has a really funny 90-minute movie hiding within its seemingly 300+ minute runtime.