Team Zissou

This joke is so funny. I remember still laughing out loud in the theater even though I had already seen it a million times in the inescapable trailer that movie season.

This article was a really good snapshot of the industry from the early 90s through present. Two things that occurred to me:

They also gloss over the part where his book is cancelled, sort-of relaunched as Agent X, and then cancelled again before Marvel decided to team up two different failed lead characters and make Cable & Deadpool.

One of my favorite moments in the entire series (paraphrasing):

He's also a total dick, downplaying Fabian Nicieza's contribution by saying a janitor could have co-created Deadpool.

Yeah, but I think that's much better than what Land does. Bechdel takes the photos herself and does some artistic interpretation - the photo reference is mostly to get perspective and proportions right.

Kindt and Lemire are both MUCH better on the Valiant titles than they are at Marvel and DC. I think it's because they are given more "architect"-type roles and there are fewer editorial mandates to juggle. Working for Marvel/DC feels like the equivalent of working within the studio system for filmmakers.

Yeah, and it's too bad because it prevents Hickman's run from fully standing alone.

Every writer makes the same boneheaded move of writing Johnny Storm as an immature dummy just so he can go through a character arc and become a responsible adult by the end. It's frustrating when you read the last 15-ish years of Fantastic Four and every arc begins and ends the same way.

I didn't love Millar's run, but Hickman directly follows up on one of his stories (NuWorld) because his run goes directly after Millar's. I'd say it's recommended but not essential to read it - you just might be really confused for 2 issues while reading Hickman. Plus Millar's run is only 12 issues and you get to

The one Brian Wood issue with the security camera footage was the only one that I thought got close to the quality of the previous run, but the ongoing plot was pretty weak. I also preferred Wood to Bunn though.

Re: McDuffie FF. It was me! Glad you're liking it. It's clearly a fill-in run between higher profile writers, but it's more fun and worthwhile than either of the runs it was sandwiched between (JMS and Millar).

I've been meaning to read the entire Kelly run from start to finish. I loved every single issue I read as it was coming out, but it was definitely sporadic. I've re-read some of it and of course it was a little dated due to shifts in style from the late 90's. I'm really happy for this new series because we finally get

I picked up Spider-Man/Deadpool #1 recently due to all the good press it got. It's totally worth checking out. Pairing together two characters that Joe Kelly has written really well in the past and putting them in the same book, drawn by Ed McGuinness. When you put it that way, it's a no-brainer.

It would be really, really great if the reported X-Force spin-off is heavily influenced by Remender's run and we get to see that version of Deadpool on screen. He was dialed far back enough to fit into the tone of the series, but was consistently hilarious with a very rich character arc. I never thought he could fit

It's surprising to me how much the two upcoming standalone X-Men movies differ.

The embargo must have been lifted yesterday. On Saturday night I was just expressing concern to my friends that we hadn't seen any reviews yet, which usually indicates a stinker. Then I woke up Sunday morning to a deluge of reviews, and a RT score in the high 90s! It's dropped now, of course, but I still don't really

The death scene that stuck with me from that movie is the one where a couple is watching a movie and having a great time while eating a bowl of popcorn. The camera shows us that they don't realize one of the spiders is inside the bowl before cutting away. We later see Jeff Daniels enter the house to find the couple

I like it more now that we're getting more clues about the ongoing mysteries, such as "what" the characters actually are and the extent of their powers. Similar to Lost, it's the kind of story you keep following in hopes that the beats will eventually pay off in a major way. Since I'm one of those "journey is worth it

I think the Wolverines death was deliberately written to be vague just in case they wanted to bring him back. I guess that's why I didn't mind too much when they did it again. At least this time, they wrote him in-character and gave him a more fitting send off.