Team Zissou

First of all, congrats!

The flirtation was really entertaining early on because it seemed very once-sided and made Felicity more likable because it seemed Ollie was out of her league — or at least that's the way she acted it. It was endearing.

The pilot was great! I would like to see more. I don't usually do these things, but I voted for it on the Amazon site.

During the peak of the O.C.'s fame (Seasons 1-2), Adam Brody was being talked about as a "next Tom Hanks." I remember one site (TWOP?) even arguing he was more deserving of that title than Colin Hanks.

I wonder if this means we'll eventually have Secret Wars-style universe reboots for when they need to recast/retool the franchise.

Saw it recently and I have to agree. The CGI might have even looked more out of place though — took all the horror right out of it.

The purported reason Snyder is leaving is because the main Bat-title will be double-shipping and more event-driven. My speculation is that they might ship to a model that's more like the "Eternal" books, hoping that their top-selling title will just ship more often. This could be similar to the "Brand New Day" era of

Joaquin Phoenix's acting in the birthday party scene is totally on point too. As the tension builds and the kids block the view of the camera, he's an audience surrogate as he shouts at the TV, "Move, kids! Vamonos!" Then the big reveal happens and the audience is shocked, followed by Joaquin's overblown reaction that

I saw this episode at NYCC in October, presented by Kumail Nanjiani. Even as a casual viewer of the original series, it was fun to watch it in a crowd with mega fans who clapped and cheered for each returning character - similar to the Force Awakens. Even the establishing shot of the original X-Files office got a

It's possible they can craft an interesting narrative around a different but similarly compelling cultural experience. I'm thinking of the Departed as an example, which took a solid thriller about Hong Kong triads and transplanted the story onto a Boston setting and made it about the Irish mobs.

I was kinda disappointed when they announced that Bruce was returning to the Batman role because I thought they didn't explore the fun of Gordon as Batman enough. Man, this issue was so awesome though that I don't even mind anymore. I loved the interaction between Bruce and the reborn Joker, who's begging him not to

I'm going to see if I can think up a better answer, but right now my gut says Hickman's Fantastic Four / FF run.

That book really hit me at the right time. I think it was before we hit the recent boom of creator-owned titles, so the release of each volume felt like a real event for me. The character drama was so strong and each volume was like watching a car collision happen between sad, destructive individuals who I was rooting

I read League of Extraordinary Gentlemen V.3: Century. I loved the series during the first two volumes, was disappointed by Black Dossier, and then held off on V.3 for a while after hearing some negative stuff about the ending. Overall, I did enjoy the book and for a good portion of it I thought that it was a good

After seeing Dear White People and Creed, I was like, who is this woman! She is beautiful and a really great screen presence.

Don't miss Waid/Wieringo's run as well. Probably my favorite, right after Hickman's.

I'd rather they just go straight to trade too, since it's my preferred way of reading. In terms of supporting creators, monthly sales are a necessity with today's market though.

For me, it's been really fun to dive into a new superhero universe that's gradually expanding. It's a refreshing change after you get tired of the cyclical nature of the Big Two. The artists vary a bit in quality, but I first tried it out because a lot of my favorite up-and-coming writers were doing work over there

I just started a Marvel Unlimited subscription and it's been totally worth it. I was pretty underwhelmed by the ANAD books I'd read so far, so I figure I'll just wait a few months and pick up trades for the books that people rave about. In the meantime, there are plenty of gems in the back catalog I'm discovering.

His run is issues 543 - 553*.