Team Zissou

Definitely don't miss out on the brief Dwayne McDuffie run on Fantastic Four where Storm and T'Challa temporarily sub in for Reed and Sue, who are taking a break to work on their marriage. It's a delight.

It's an awesome collection of art for sure. I can't believe you carry it around at conventions though — it's so huge!

Greg Land's art is serviceable AT BEST. There have been times I've been able to overlook the artwork when I'm a big fan of the writing, but it's always a struggle.

I think we'll be able to draw a pretty sharp line at the exact moment Kot ditched any attempt at commercialism in his writing: immediately after he finished his Marvel books (Secret Avengers, Bucky Barnes) and chose to end Zero with a bizarre acid trip involving William S. Burroughs, fungus, and stream of conscious

A $4.99 price tag on a single issue is ludicrous when you compare their value to Image and Valiant's $9.99 Volume 1 trades.

The biggest Power Rangers stumper was why they didn't just go straight to doing their "ultimate" finishing move at the start of the battle, since they seemed to end every single fight by doing it (and reusing the same clip!). Instead, every episode involved several minutes of randomly pushing each other into buildings

It's a little confusing because it doesn't go back-and-forth smoothly either.

Humble Bundle has a huge deal on Image Comics digital trades that lasts the next 20 days.

I agree that it was disappointing to not see Susan and Valeria have a moment with Doom at the end. Susan, for the obvious reasons you stated, but also Valeria because her relationship with Doom has always been rather unique. I think the fight had to boil down to Reed vs. Doom because that was the fundamental conflict

Marvel's omnibuses have gotten much smaller because they use thinner paper now. I think the two FF omnibuses are a decent size without leading to wrist cramps while reading. Unfortunately, the cheaper paper means the pages are easier to smudge :(

The FF omnibuses are pretty essential for putting the second half of the run in proper reading order so you don't have to flip between the FF and Fantastic Four books.

I'm still ok with his new material because Starman was a "lifetime pass"-worthy book for me, so I hold out for hope. It helps that I politely ignored his creative nadir on DC books during the Cry for Justice era.

Can we talk about Secret Wars a bit?

The Massive generally sticks with Garry Brown as the main artist from that point moving forward. Don't worry, it gets better!

Robin War #2 was probably my first disappointment from a Tom King book. It seems even he couldn't overcome the difficulties of shepherding a crossover across multiple books with creative teams of varying quality. The core problem for me was that it started somewhere interesting (untrained kid vigilantes is a bad idea)

I read Buffy Season 10 #1-10 and Angel & Fath Season 10 #1-5. Shifting the writer/artist team of A&F S9 over to Buffy did wonders for the book. I liked how all the useless side characters (the roommates, Billy, Dowling, the zompires) were quickly written out and we can focus on the core characters again. Having all

Renew Your Vows was some top shelf storytelling. Definitely my favorite of the Secret Wars tie-ins. It probably stood out more because Slott was already writing alternate Spider-Man characters for months before.

Like a lot of scandals of this type, you have to dig through a bunch of related stories for the full story. This will give you a fairly decent rundown:

That's true. It's mostly an internal conflict when reading one of his books these days.

I remember complimenting his writing on ASM, saying that he really captured the voice of a character I've been reading all of my life. He expressed thanks and then half-jokingly complained, "But then they fired all of us!"