Team Zissou

My fiancee has been binge-reading comic runs in my collection, including: Miller's Daredevil, Bendis' Daredevil, Brubaker's Daredevil, Brubaker/Fraction's Iron Fist, and Alias.

My favorite thing is that it's perfectly standalone and you don't even need to read Superior Spider-Man to get what's happening, aside from one of the fill-in issues that don't really matter anyway.

Thanks for the heads up.

The new ones!!!! The post-2012 reboot of Valiant continues to be amazing. I don't dare go back and read the older stories.

Some people claim that Watchmen is not a good "starter" book because it is better once you know your comics history and understand the tropes that they're deconstructing.

I loved New Avengers just because of some of the meta-narrative that was going on around the book. Yes, these are hard men who are forced to make decisions and everyone ends up treating them like they're assholes, but come on — these are BIG name characters! Part of the tension of reading the book is wondering if

I loved those trades of Human Target. It's definitely the best Milligan I've read outside of X-Statix. He's usually on the "miss" side for me, but Human Target was the closest he's gotten to approximating the fun, silliness, and psychological turmoil that came up in the other book.

I can't say I'm as big of a fan of Morrison's Batman as everyone else seems to be. Pre-Black Glove and R.I.P., the main book seemed to show a lot of promise but wasn't knocking it out of the park. The Batman & Robin run that followed was definitely the highlight of the whole thing. Batman Inc., unfortunately, fell

Starman is pretty wonderful and the best use of legacy heroes anywhere in comics. I got into it only a few years ago with the omnibus editions, but it made for a hell of a binge read. My friend summed it up nicely when he described its emotional resonance as being like "the comic book equivalent of Friday Night

That reminds me of one hilarious mini-crossover when PAD was writing both Captain Marvel (featuring Rick Jones) and Young Justice (featuring Snapper Carr) and had both of those characters talking on the phone over their ridiculous predicaments.

In addition, at Humble Bundle there's a big deal on X-Files books from IDW. For any price you can get the first ten issues of the Season 10 comics along with a few Classics trades. The rest of Season 10 along with other books are available at higher price tiers. I haven't read these myself, but I am curious because

*Puts on reading glasses*

We can also mention Tommy Lee Jones in the first Cap movie. That one is really easy to forget.

I haven't read it, but I hear that the original Squadron Supreme 12-issue maxi-series by Mark Gruenwald is the big one to go.

The fill-ins on Superior Foes were very puzzling to me. I mean, thought they were fine albeit inconsequential. I did laugh a few times when I read them. But since we see so few fill-in issues in Marvel these days, why attach them to such a low-selling series? I mean, I guess they squeezed a few more bucks out of me

I read X-Men Season One by Dennis Hopeless and Jamie McKelvie. It was way better than it had any right to be and probably the best depiction of the Silver Age X-Men I've read. The characterization was strong and the art was gorgeous. The only downside is that it ends with the window left wide open for more books in

Hello! I don't have anything to add this week. Humble Bundle still has its Peanuts sale going on and Groupees still has a Dynamite deal.

He's made some pretty obnoxious comments in interviews and made an ass of himself, but I still think he's got a really unique voice that comes through in comics and screenwriting. I actually met him one time at Forbidden Planet in NYC because I overheard him talking and recognized his voice from the youtube videos. He

The answer is yes.

I couldn't imagine a more perfect job for you.