Team Zissou

I'm sorry to hear that, man. Good luck and I hope you land on your feet soon!

That sequence alone made Tomb Raider my all-time favorite Clueless Gamer Review by Conan O'Brien.

I'd say Beowulf was the only exception to this rule. Not a perfect movie, but an underrated one IMO.

Even though she had less to do, the moments we saw with her still rung true. She had a reserved dignity that was simultaneously stern and loving which I found to be very accurate. Since we do hear about her tougher experiences immigrating to the country, it makes sense that she is the more introverted one.

Alan Moore's talked about comics being a unique medium for how easy it is to flip back several pages and reference parts you've already read. I found this to be incredibly helpful with reading Velvet - especially with telling some of the white male spies apart. It's so good in trades!

There was a huge groupees deal like 2 months ago on Valiant books. If only we had started our little sales club then! =(

I have no idea what is going with Tim Drake's past, and I ever read that Teen Titans #0 issue when it came out. What's going on? Didn't his parents fake their deaths and change their names? Or did HE change HIS name? I'm so confused. Wake me up when this New 52 is over.

It's not stated in the issue, but I think they're mad at him about the whole Illuminati / incursions thing too.

I really liked Magneto Testament and I think it's pretty underrated. It would be a pretty good story without the Magneto connection, and I found the allusions to his powers to be as tasteful as they could have been done.

I was about to write about Saga Vol 5 too! I'll reply here instead.

I know that Lemire has said he's intentionally not using Cyclops right now because he said his focus on Storm wouldn't work with Scott present. I'm ok with side-lining him for now, but I just hope it doesn't undo the last few years of development.

I'm on board with all the love for the recent development paid to Cyclops. I'd just like to throw Fraction into the mix as a key part to that long-term arc @avclub-62ae6d9e1a24836a391716549223464f:disqus mentioned. His run was pretty hit-or-miss, but I thought he had a good handle on Cyke as a leader of the X-Men

I'd be happy to regularly add on any other sales I'm aware of. I usually check Humble Bundle / Groupees / instocktrades pretty regularly so I can keep those in the loop by just replying to your posts.

That's a great way to put it. I also think the "few articles a week" pace helps keep the discussion going too. I hope Oliver Sava never leaves AV Club. Or at the very least, he's kind enough to take us with him!

"If you make them all a bunch of well-liked celebrities, then they aren't much more different than, say, the Avengers."

I think it's actually a lot darker than Decimation.

Interesting aside about "Uncanny X-Force" and "Best Work": when I was at NYCC, I was flipping through Jerome Opena's original art for sale and saw gorgeous pages from his Hickman-written Avengers arc and the Remender-written Rage of Ultron special. When I inquired about Uncanny X-Force pages, his business partner

I appreciate these threads and will add on to them whenever I can! I like having a general thread about sales on digital books. Can we start including physical books too? I'm always paying attention for when has a new omnibus coming out because they give 50% off deals during the first week.

It makes me wonder what Remender's run would have been like. If the Bleeding Cool rumors are true, then Remender was supposed to take over the book and it was going to involve the mutants retreating from Earth and inhabiting their own planet(!). Judging by Remender's Uncanny X-Force and Uncanny Avengers runs, it could

I especially found it annoying because they ruined a perfectly good fakeout death and telegraphed the reveal wayyyyy too early. If they had suggested Andrew had really died in that explosion and then later revealed that not only did he survive, but it was because of his Lash persona — then it would have been way more