Team Zissou

His use of the Blue Marvel has made me more interested in the character that I ever thought I'd be. His integration of the retroactively inserted character is way better than how Bendis and Jenkins handled the similarly-themed Sentry.

I first noticed him on some unnecessary Age of Ultron event tie-in book. The main series was complete garbage, but his work on that standalone issue was fairly amazing.

It's kind of in the backstory of the original games too, right? Every time you defeat a robotic enemy, a tiny animal hops away. At the end of each level, you break a machine that releases a bunch of tiny captured animals.

I was just thinking the same thing! I remember one episode had him regaining his consciousness and helping the revolutionaries re-enter the city. Near the end of the episode, he gets reprogrammed into his brainwashed robotic form and the results are heartbreaking as Sonic doesn't want to leave him behind but his

I'm not finished yet!!!!!

I wish there was more discussion about the interview!

I'm in the same boat as you, man. It's one of my girlfriend's favorite shows. I mostly hold on just out of curiosity for the MCU tie-ins. If it was a standalone show, I'd be long gone by now.

Alias is possibly Bendis' best adult work. I think it even tops his first run on Powers and his other creator-owned titles.

You've got a good point. It's hard for once-popular characters to truly go away. Kyle Rayner, for example, has surprisingly hung around as a relatively big character despite being shunted off to the side for not being the "main" Green Lantern anymore. He hasn't headlined his own book in a while, but he's been used as

I think he was in Ultimate End? But then again, it doesn't seem like we're even looking at the *original* Ultimate characters over there anyway.

Keep in mind that it's mostly been a standalone spy series up until this issue. There's no other Bat characters during the first 11 issues, aside from the occasional cameo by Bruce talking over a headset. They didn't fully reintegrate Dick with the rest of the universe until this issue, and the results were amazing.

Interesting! I had a hard time reconciling the badass young sexy Giles of the flashbacks with the way he's portrayed on the show. I know they hint at some of this stuff with his Ripper days, but logically his character should be a Liam Neeson-type in his later years and not a dainty English man.

I'm really not sure what they're going to do with Nick Fury in the post-Secret Wars universe. Are they going to stick with Nick Fury Jr. (whom they've clearly invested in), or are they going to go with Ultimate Sam Jackson Fury (who is clearly the better character)?

He's unfortunately gotten edged out with the expanded Robins roster.

"We were the best, Richard. No matter what anyone thinks."

I didn't mind the Red Robin name when paired with the original costume. Together, they were referencing the Alex Ross and Mark Waid version of Dick Grayson from Kingdom Come. Now that the costume is completely different though, it doesn't really make sense anymore. I also dislike how much his 90's Image-style costume

I finished all of Buffy Season 9 and Angel & Faith Season 9 and all their related titles. In the end, there wasn't anything too special about these books. I'd give Angel & Faith the edge just for having a more unique combination of characters and the stronger main plot (Reviving Giles). There was still a pretty strong

This may sound hyperbolic, but Grayson #12 was probably the best Dick Grayson story I have ever read. I was completely floored by this issue. The depiction of the Bat-family got me surprisingly Bat-emotional. Every single reunion scene was incredible, with the best one being saved for last. All of the emotional weight

Lady Sovereign was another one I enjoyed. She got picked up by Jay-Z and her "Love Me or Hate Me" was simultaneously fun and super annoying. Then her album came out and tanked, and she's super poor after facing a big backlash over being overhyped. Last I heard, some guy was complaining because he won some "Win a Date

It's actually part of the conversation. This AV Club article is missing one key part from the original HR piece: