
“If “redhead” is an often-repeated personal branding device for you, then you, in my opinion, are not a redhead, because clearly no one has ever used that term against you while wearing a weird aren’t-I-funny smile on their face”

Somebody never had Grover teach them the differences between Near and Far.

Sansa was trained by Littlefinger. Girlfriend has a LONG GAME here, this was not just a blab, this was a calculated spread of information.

Don’t forget that any time a black woman shows any sort of passion or strong emotion, whether it be anger, excitement, or just simple sarcasm, they get labeled as “sassy”.

It’s what she needed to give her back some of her lost humanity.

It’s funny that some people are more disturbed by Arya having consensual sex than the time she killed a guy, baked his body parts into a pie and then fed it to the guy’s sons.

A good beard will get you far in life.

My friend, this is a book excerpt. Earlier in the book we learn that Angel is from Atlantic City. Thank you for your attention to detail and passion re: geography. 

Sean Bean still lookin sexy as fuck. IDC, fight me. 

Haha, I don’t think Joshua Gates expects to find anything noteworthy, but I like the guy well enough. He’s one of those hosts who knows he’s unlikely to find anything and revels in it. I used to watch his monster show, and I would love how he would interact with locals and respect local customs. He’s less interested

Being related to a man who shares many behavioral traits with That Asshole, I’m 70% certain that “conversation” in this case involves him sitting at the table bloviating about “issues of the day” for hours on end while she is obliged to tell him how right he is about that thing. Probably while chewing with his mouth

It will end by Flerken eating Thanos.

Joe Lieberman can’t glam it up all the time.

Let’s break this down:

Kate, evidently, has learned nothing from Ariana Grande:

Thematic gif party?

I’m thrilled for Orlando. If he’s happy, I’m happy for him.

A nation of white, a bottle of red
Perhaps a wall will rose instead
We’ll kick an immigrant near the street
In our old familiar place
You and I, face to face
In our Italian Restaurant

I definitely need a shirt from the Dora Milaje School for Wishing a Motherfucker Would.  Root, consider making this a thing people can buy.

I wouldn’t mind if Tucker Carson was spiritually neutered. At least he’d stop humping everyone’s leg