
Yep. The show can’t even maintain logic or narrative integrity from one scene to the next. Two giant armadas just up and left? The super-synths just chilled after the beacon was shut down? They literally used a magical do-anything machine? Everyone’s cool with Soji summoning the end of organic life as we know it?

“All frosting” is probably the best description I’ve ever heard of what happens when Peak TV goes wrong. I’m going to use it.

All of Agnes’ little jokes and etc. were just so awful. I haven’t watched Discovery but I get the sense that the practice of filling Trek with contemporary slang like “Really?” and “So is thing a thing now?” and etc. comes from there.

This was the longest two part TNG episode ever.

All of this (and that’s just for starters!)

Well, that’s it. I’m officially done with Kurtzman-Trek. I suffered through two seasons of Discovery and now Picard. I have no further interest in what the Kurtzman-Goldsman braintrust is going to come up with.

It was a shockingly bad piece of writing, if you can call it that. They contradict themselves by saying Data’s memories were lost in the first episode, only to dredge them out of nowhere for a “twist” finale. He shows no emotion, does not return Picard’s admittance of love, and acts as if this were the Data from the

I guess maybe I’d understand all of the massive jumps if I’d seen the other 5 episodes I obviously missed.  Like, there was an episode that dealt with the Raffi-Seven subplot, right?  Not just them getting handsy at the end? Right?

A lot of the comments for the reviews for this show have been attacking Zack Handlen’s take on things, so I wanted to say that I am in complete agreement with these reviews. This has been an awful season of television and I’m not sure why so many commenters seem so content with utter dreck.

I imagine Mike and Rich's Re:View is just going to be 30 minutes of them face-palming with episode highlight clips playing in the background.

They crapped the bed with this show.

Yeah, I spotted (boom boom) them when I rewatched and was looking for them.  

I thought the first part of Season 1 of Discovery was really interesting, because everyone followed Lorca - who was clearly sketchy if not outright evil - just because he was the captain. The crew was complicit in a bunch of questionable stuff, but he was their guy, on their team, and that was all that they needed to

I feel like a lot of stuff we’re seeing in Picard is 2020 blockbuster writing 101. A seecret secret police, a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top, a dormant superweapon... An ancient order that the protagonist must fight against is practically a given. This all reeks of Alex Kurtzman to be honest, but when you

Yes, but I’m saying the commodore is also a Romulan spy. She knows about the Zhat Vash, which no one but the most super, super, super secret of Romulans knows about. Even many members of the Tal Shiar don’t know about it or doubt its existence.

“ghost in the machine”

Given the politics of today, I’m a little wary that the writers have chosen to make this show about a refugee crisis (topical!), but that because the refugees are Romulans they will almost certainly turn out to be evil and bent on destroying humanity.

Lots of planets have an Ireland!

Picard is far from alone in this, pretty much every Netflix show does this. I’m not a fan of The Mandalorian, but it at least had a decent balance between serialisation and self contained stories.

I don’t know, look at how easily liberals have slid into using cold war-era language over the past few years when it comes to Russia. The Soviet Union fell apart like 30 years ago and it only took some trolling online to make the supposed progressives in American society think Russia was a global villain again.