
Sorry for the late reply, been a hectic few days.

1) I certainly see there’s logical consistency to your take on this, it just doesn’t fully convince me. So yeah, let’s not drive it too far into the ground. After all discussions like this is why everyone hates moral philosophy professors...

2) Less time for the farmers

1) Vader didn’t lose. It wasn’t a sparring match. Vader alive wins. Obi-Wan knows this, he knows what “beating” him and leaving him alive will result in. He’s not doing it for revenge, he’s doing it to save the people Vader will destroy if he’s not stopped.
Look, I get that they were going for a moment like when Luke

1) If you are not prepared to kill Vader, why challenge him to a duel?

2) Alright, explain it. Why is it so obvious that an Imperial Inquisitor will attack a moisture farm in the middle of the desert after dark instead of in broad daylight?

3) In Empire Strikes Back, Vader kneels to receive the Emperor’s communication.

Point taken, correction noted, formal apology to follow by post.

Of course this show warrants its existence!
Where else will you find such a perfect example of failing at all levels, from the big (why does Kenobi walk away from Vader again) to the medium (why is it obvious to Owen and Beru that the Inquisitor will attack after dark) to the small (why is Vader lounging in his throne

That actually bothers me. To phrase it as an (oversimplified) question, “If Vader can do what he did in Rogue One, why doesn’t he do it on Leia’s ship in A New Hope?”. 

Yeah, he only had enough to jerk around a Force-used going full-tilt by literally twiddling his thumbs.


Maybe they had but baby Yodas ate them all? They’re enthusiastic omnivores!

They did have the Rebels clear a path for the feeing transports and starfighter escorts, so there was something to suggest an explanation for how Luke got away.

Dear Lord, that was terrible. That was “clever plotting for imbeciles”.
Why is Organa still on Alderaan? At this point Vader knows that he has a connection to Kenobi so strong Obi-Wan will come out of hiding after ten years to rescue his daughter, why isn’t Bail strapped into an interrogation machine spilling his guts

Zack, I want to thank you for these reviews. I’ve been massibely frustrated with Picard, and it was great to read someone articulating my problems with it much more clearly and skillfully than I could. Thanks!

Lords, that was fun!
After all, it’s been clear that the show sucks big time since at least a couple of episodes ago, full of infantile attempts at portraying a complex world and characters, and abysmally dumb attempts at being clever, so now I’m just in it for the Patrick Stewart hijinks and the occasional, rare,

Always a pleasure to see your reviews, Zack! (meant to write that for Ep.1 but missed it somehow)

After the hot mess that was Discovery, it’s hard to not be seriously worried with all the red flags Picard’s throwing up of being the same kind of mystery-box, look-at-how-clever-we-are, all-you-thought-sofar-was-wrong, by-

The spots are there, yes.

Yeah, and the whole “Romulan super-secret spies working/leading on with Starfleet Security” smacks a little too much of “the Russkies are running the government”, once you start thinking of them having ripped ideas from the headlines.

Maybe that is what makes beskar special?

Absent severe time constraints or a mid-season break like Primal has done, it’s hard to not binge a complete season or at least to not go through it at a fraction of the time it would run as weekly episodes. And shows released en bloc are made with that fact in mind, I think. Specifically with this season of The

She says something like “until you know it, it will not listen to your commands”, which implies there’s a lot of work to be done even for simple maneuvers like that.

The stuck the landing about as well as Moff Gideon. At best.


The Moff is a cruel, sadistic individual who does not balk at killing his own men for minor infractions, he is hell-bent to acquire The Asset, and yet his chain of command keeps the Scout Troopers who have The Asset waiting and there is no urgency to