
I’ve seen a lot of dumb TV in my time, but this really deserves some sort of award for combining ambitions of gravitas with mind-boggling stupidity.
I mean, alright, hanging the whole story on Spock because he’s so loved and iconic he’ll draw in the crowds is a well-worn fan-baiting Trek tactic, but to do so and then

That’s when I will be breaking my TV.

I really want to see a Starfleet Academy series. It will be great to finally find out what sort of curriculum produces the command decisions we all saw and enjoyed this episode.

“Mr. Saru, you have recently undergone an unexpected and mysterious biological transformation process with as yet unknown consequences and

I’ll have to try that thing with the cider. After all, the show does not make any sens while sober...it’s got to be worth a shot.

I don’t think anyone claimshe invented them, it’s just that when someone’s used them so skillfully it’s an obvious thing to refer to.

Can we please get another series next season, instead of this half-baked crap? I know you can find something that isn’t a vacant nostalgia-milking cash grab for this show to be about, Star Trek, I believe in you.

I’m not splitting hairs, that’s the malfunctioning transporter’s job.

Discovery had a problem from the get-go in that it has to get the Spore Drive abandoned by the end of the series. If it wants to stay in the same reality as TOS, TNG etc., at least. When it was just a propulsion system -a propulsion system more

Really don’t remember a time when Starfleet chose to abandon a practical, workable resurrection machine.

Yeah, I’m sure if you ask a US Marine about Smedley Butler you’ll draw a blank.

So I guess at some point in the next, what, five years (how long is it until the TOS timeline kicks off?), someone is going to have to stand in a roomfull of Starfleet admirals and say “we have this miracle technology that not only can get you to any point in the galaxy in the blink of an eye but can also bring people

Nice catch!

I’m going to need to use “sentient space truffle” in sentences more often from now on.

Obviously to each their own, etc..
I have no problem with episodic television. I was referring to Voyager’s use of the reset button within the episode, not within the series. To better explain, the loose threads TOS left behind and didn’t pick up again could be revisisted should someone choose to show the consequences

Thinks I learned in this week’s Star Trek: Discovery:
(a) human tears are so darned special that a creature that can extrapolate the appearance it needs to project to influence a human from their own memories and can exude the proper chemical to make humans space out euphorically is absolutely confused by them.
(b) in

Exactly. Kirk and Picard are Captains, commanding Starfleet’s finest ships, you expect them to be exceptionally good at what they do.

It’s interesting that you think Year Of Hell is a great Trek episode, because to me it’s one of the most glaring examples of how much weaker Voyager was as a series compared to TOS and TNG. It builds up a fascinating, difficult moral dilemma and, instead of resolving it in a manner true to that buildup, in the final

Things we learned in this episode of Disco:
1) among the rational and logical Vulcans, a child claiming to have been visited by a mysterious being doesn’t really raise an eyebrow, he’s just inventing things in order to keep secrets.
2) a mother carrying a fair bit of guilt over not giving her children enough love, upon

Not to put words in Zack’s mouth, but I think he’s actually referring to the fact that Burnham practically does all the thinking out loud in that “discussion”. Pike basically stands there and is convinced, there isn’t much of an argument.

“Risibly clumsy” is what the scripts aspire to, methinks.

Probably not. If they get too specific they can’t make it fit whatever story they’re telling.