
Now that was impressive. I never thought Disco could throw away whatever amount of goodwill the first episode’s occasional high points had managed to build so quickly and completely. Is there some sort of contest going on in the writers room? Heck, I’d prefer the Teens In Trek series that briefly took over the bridge

Welcome back, Zack!
Nice writeup. The Spock stuff doesn’t bother me as much as it did you, by the sound of it. Probably because I’d been so royally pissed off when good ole 1701 showed up in the last episode of S1- the fact the folks helming this series have decided to latch on to the familiar rather than risk

It’s interesting to see how diametrically opposite folks’ opinion is- we did all watch the same episode, right?
This was the most fun I’ve had watching Who in quite a while. There have been good and great episodes in that time, but this was gosh-darned enjoyable. There was enough suspense, but not terror, there were

Well, after this season I’m sure Daredevil sucks. But on the other hand, The Karen Page Show is pretty damn good. It’s strange that they manage to run such a compelling story like hers next to the infantile narrative of Matt Murdock’s tribulations, but I guess that’s one of the great things about TV now, folks aren’t

Possible explanations:
(a) It’s Foggy’s superpower. And it is mindblowing.
(b) For the show’s intended audience, you can show people getting decapitated or shot though the throat in full technicolour, but when it comes to men and women the Hays Code is in effect.
I’d prefer (a) but smart money’s on (b).

The problem with Daredevil is that it’s now falling apart as you watch it. Apart from the psychological background, Dex’s taking some sort of medication as well, don’t they give these guys test or some sort of medical monitoring where that will show up?

And you can see the different “command styles” throughout the episode. Commander Lucas does not offer Bobbie any information on what she’s up against or what the overall plan is, and Bobbie follows her orders nonetheless because that’s how things work in the MCRN (until you run into an ex-MCRN sailor you know,

“That bit with the baton wasn’t a fluke!

Melba told Ashford she was sent up to the bridge because she has a technician’s skill rating, and he’d ordered every available tech up to work on rerouting power to the laser.

A couple more things (hey, it’s like this stuff comes in the forefront in waves).
First, it was both seriously cool and satisfyingly well-thought-out that Holden, Naomi & Co. suceeded mainly through Drummer’s perfect knowledge of the Behemoth. Good captains know every nook, cranny and bolt of their ship- it was great

TEAM VOLOVODOVOVODO....erm, we’ll get back to this later.

Damn, that was adorable!

“That didn’t hurt”.

It’s called “enforcing discipline in a crew of pirates, smugglers and newly-minted-servicemen-ex-terrorists”. They were on the clock, they had to stay on course to complete the weapon, and they did not have the luxuty of second-guessing.

Another angle is that Holden is in a situation he can hardly comprehend and has no control over, and has been given the burden of trying to fix it, which is breaking him down- it can’t be that different to Clarissa’s world coming crashing down because of some strange secret plan of her father’s and her trying to

While in terms of structure or story the double episode could be considered “rushed”, they did manage to put enough of an ominous ticking clock into it that it didn’t feel artificially rushed, IMHO. Just things moving headlong forward, and everyone trying to make the best call in the situation.
I’ll disagree with Zack

And now we know what killed the folks who invented it. Someone probably misfiled a 56B form for exemption from insterstellar works, and...well, that was that.

The internet can.

When my punk-rock band “The Shitty Belters” starts getting gigs, “Spin the Drum!” is gonna be how we announce the show’s starting.

Hey, at least it’s not actual....erm, you know...