Not entirely sure, but there’s something like the “click” of the gravity boots as Naomi hits the floor of the cargo bay- although it’s more likely that the lack of bounce was an error of convenience.
Not entirely sure, but there’s something like the “click” of the gravity boots as Naomi hits the floor of the cargo bay- although it’s more likely that the lack of bounce was an error of convenience.
Given how enamored our current crop of mega-rich folk are with ideas like transhuman evolution, it isn’t much of stretch to think that a couple of centuries from now things like gene-editing will be freely available to member of the upper classes, which would be one explanation for Mao’s daughters apparently diverging…
It also works to balance the rest of the episode. With everything else going to hell, with carnage, wounded, half the characters we know dead, dying, hurt, or out of it, and all of them in serious danger, there was a need for something that we could let a loud cheer to- and “HOLY CRAP! Battle Priest!” (as @Heather…
Funny, I thought it was a drill- Amos or Alex having grabbed the first tool available.
I know it’s not a random process so the word is technically wrong, but the show has had phenomenal luck with its casting. Imagine if Strathairn hadn’t been given the role of Ashford...we wouldn’t have had this episode’s highlight, the brief, proud smile he flahes for a second when he says “my ship” while transmitting…
Noone is suggesting otherwise. Just like with real people, we each see a different side of a person.
I dunno.....they’re Marines, after all. Remember how Bobbi was when we first got to know her?
I actually loved that scene. Elizabeth Mitchell’s concerned face popping out from behind Peaches was comedy gold, you’ve got to forgive some sleight-of-hand stuff if it delivers such a moment.
Zack and I were looking more to her character, and you’re looking to her actions, I think?
I’m going to have to rewatch to be sure (oh woe), but didn’t they say at some point that some of the objects -like the slinghostter’s craft- are sort of orbiting the central....sphere or whatever it is?
I didn’t think that the bizarre, extreme, “Holden sky(ring? portal?)-diving off the Rocinante” ending last week could be matched by this weeks episode. And it couldn’t. But this show (This. Fucking. Show.- thanks Ariel!) is smart enough to understand that, and they switched gears naturally, beautifully, and converted…
I’m going to have to disagree with you and Zack on this, despite your well-argued points. Volovodova strikes me as a facade. She’s all smiles, and sweetness, and lets-all-fundamenally-connect touching, but I’m not sure as to how much actual empathy there is in all that. She spectacularly failed to correctly read…
Drummer: “Being in command sucks”
Naomi: “You wear it well”
Drummer: “IIX”
Holy (Belter expletive)!
This was sensational.
The previous episode’s forward jump in time was a little jarring, but it built up enough story for this week’s rollercoaster ride to really work on all levels.
The one thing I don’t see mentioned in most reviews of The Expanse, including Zack’s excellent recaps here, is…
(mind blown)
He’s Dawes’ man. He’s got to be playing something.
Yeah, seeing Kotyar on screen with that light blue glow was heart-stopping, even before he talked about what he was going to do to the Agatha King.
I actually liked that. It’s the first real insight we have into his character so far. Instead of this glove-puppet everyone says he is, we see him as a deft opportunist, quick to see and exploit whatever angle is favourable. And you can see how that man could propel himself to head of Earth government. And all done…
They did that bit with the news coverage at the start of the season. I’m not sure if it’s explained who leaked the information, but given what’s happened with Eros etc. and that Sorrento-Gillis mentioned the events in his speech, it’s a fair bet that the cat’s out of the bag in a general, “Zaphod’s-just-zis-guy”…
I haven’t seen Nguyen as a fanatic, to be honest. He’s Errinwright’s pet, and owes his position to being part of that whole “war party”. He’s seing his grasp on both his command and the greater plan slipping, and acts to reign both in, or at least get them back on track. And, given the stakes -both planetary and…