
I won't wade into the discussion about Amos, it's waaaaay out of my field of expertise. But I would respectfully suggest that if you watch the last three episodes again you'll reverse your position on Strickland and the various "improbabilities" you assign to the storyline involving him.

And both "teams" are relatively unmoored…but apparently unaware of eachother. It will be interesting to see where S3 takes them.

I see your point.

When he said "could you please rough me up a little" I expected Draper to simply knock him out with a single punch!

I get it. But my pedant merit badge is up for review next week, and I needed the points. We cool?

That scene where Praxideke goes to Alex to sell his idea on how to exterminate the Creature, and Alex picks up on it so quickly, was wonderful.

Erm, we did get a full scene of Draper saving Avasarala. It takes only a few seconds for her to overpower Mao's crew. The swiftness of it underlines exactly how brutal and clinical that is.

Not a piece of dialogue, but that bit where Avasarala pokes Cotyar's wound, gives him her good reason for doing so, and he looks at her in angry disbelief for all of two seconds before accepting and getting on with it, was so good in showing how close-knit a team they are.

I don't think the shot of Mei is supposed to be a cliffhanger in the traditional sense, the whole "to be continued…" thing. They probably did want to show she wasn't the Creature, but mostly it's a counterpoint to Praxideke himself accepting -or beginning to accept- that she's dead.

Yes, Itrubi and Janus really did work wonderfully as characters, and also as great examples of how this show -while not shying away from cliches- is pretty darn smart and thoughtful about its people, their backgrounds and motivations.

How about rewatching S1 and S2 after that?

Wholeheartedly agree with that!
After all, ending on some sort of very final note would go against the grain of the season, which has been to show that the issues at hand are too complex (as is the world they take place in) to be nicely packed up with neat bow on top.
Whatever the protmolecule is, we won't get a simple,

Almost the last thing Avasarala sayd to Cotyar is that he should get away and try and stop the war Errinwright&Mao will unleash on the Solar system. That is what has to be stopped, and she's not only been working for that but she's willing to exchange her own life for peace. When it becomes clear that Mao's crew will

The Martian ship is rushing to get into the crater first. They were shadowing the Arboghast (probably trying to listen in on their signals, too) but once the latter started to descend, the only two options were to fire -and risk starting a war- or dive in and get the scoop on whatever's down there.
(meanwhile, the MCRN

Erm, technically the laws of Thermodynamics ARE laws of Physics.


Well, the thing that changed the circumstances was Errinwright's intervention, not something that she knew about or could influence. Her game plan going in was probably to use her already demonstrated ability to push Mao's family into suffering as a bargaining chip to get him to work under Earth's control, and that's

Exactly. It didn't feel like a fakeout, it felt like he was seriously thinking this was his only option- and then he saw an opportunity to sidestep that fate and took it.

Also, "not my first rodeo". Maybe this ia a Martian expression after all.

I'd argue that the "decent-but-not-great chance of saving all of them" is anything but. It presupposes that the Rocinante will show up from whatever weird thing it's engaged in, that it will be in good enough shape to help out, and that this will happen before the situation on the Weeping Somnambulist is too far gone.