
Ah, see, that's your problem right there. You're trying to understand a culture of people living in closest proximity to eachother that's been tempered by constant need for soldiarity in the face of life-threatening danger by extending your observations of a culture which promotes disconnectedness and emphasis on

Good science fiction takes situations that recur throughout human history and incorporates them into its narrative in ways that can be seen as comments on current events. It's one of the things that make it so potent.

Don't know about Mars being the villain. It's strongly implied that Korshunov was working on his own, similar to the way Errinwright was- so, just as Earth as a whole is not responsible for Eros, Mars isn't responsible for Ganymede.

And I seem to remember that L2 offers the possibility of using the Earth as a sunshield for parts of the telescope's path. Although it's been a while since I looked into Webb.

-"You cannot spend all your R&D budget on shawls, sarees and jewelry."
-"I can spend it wherever I goddamn like!"

Haven't read the books either, so this is based on what we see on-screen only.
The first, and immediate, thing is that Errinwright knows exactly where Mao's ship is and can have it destroyed, and his admission that he had the Kara-Kum blown to bits shows that he won't hesitate to pull the trigger.
The second is that

Holden and Miller were on Eros. They saw the whole thing go down, all of it. And that experience did fry their minds a little- they both feverishly pursued destroying the protomolecule. For Holden especially this is a race against time, finding and eliminating all of it before it spreads, and the urgency is really

Please, make the second one U.S.S. Boaty McBoatface.

Hmmmm. Thought: in the MCRN's captains' heads there might still be some doubt as to what's been happening around Ganymede. First, the Scirocco is hit pretty damn hard, then the Kara-Kum just disintegrates, and now this mysterious "Warship Rocinante" (which some may have heard was involved in the Eros affair) turns up

Given that the show sort of paints Mars as Cold War USSR (or americans' fantasy of same, anyways), I wouldn't be surprised if access to certain foodstuffs is used as a reward.

You pathetic crybabies. Now excuse me, I've got to run to the store to stock up on Kleenex, I seem to have run out of tissue for some mysterious reason.
That whole sequence was incredible- it reframed what happened on Ganymede from the systemic collapse that Praxideke was describing to an actual tragedy. Superb

So far I've not been particulalry enamoured with the way Aghdashloo delivers F-bombs in the show, but this time it really f—-ing worked.

Wouldn't that be shaped like a snowflake?

There is nothing left for her on Mars. The MCRN command (and, by extension, the Martian government) has stripped her of everything that gave her life structure- her belief in her nation, her belief in her chain of command, her team, and her identity as a Marine. Avasarala, by contrast, gave her information freely, and

Going by the show's on-screen information, Mao's ship is in the UN-MCR neutral zone. Not sure exactly were that is- the show's official website has a map, but am on the wrong continent to check it out.
I think the message was pre-recorded as a safety measure, a live transmission could have been tracked to Mao's

Yes, that bit about Earth's hold on people was both beautiful and philosophical.
It also reminded me of a (funnier, and less philosophical) line in Borgen where the prime minister wins a tug-of-war with an industrialist who's threatened to pull his companies out of the country, and when one of her aides asks how she

Next episode, "Guest starring Ken Jeong".

It's interesting that 10 wouldn't have been a bad season ending if they hadn't snagged a 13-episode season, come to think of it. Errinwright comes clean to Avasarala, Draper runs off to the ocean, Alex and the Rocinante are at Cyllene and the rest of the crew are on Ganymede. Not a bad point to launch the next season

Wow, nice catch! She did look like she'd almost choke on her sandwich.

It looks like the Earth guards were at the outer fence, actually, well beyond the blue line. Sort of roughly symmetrical to where the Martian sentries are.