
I can appreciate the frustration, but that's actually the point. As @avclub-89899660b0443363914539904944daed:disqus writes, he is realistically annoying.
It's interesting to contrast him with Daredevil- in that show, the writers put Matt repeatedly in such situations but then usually resolve them by taking the matter

Not sure by how much the HMS missed…it's hard to tell from the angles, but it didn't look too far off compared to its diameter. So maybe a few hundred to a thousand meters? Giving the thing a nudge with the Rocinante does not sound such an impossible task.
I do hope they have a reasonable explanation for Eros' little

Aren't there too many of them, though? The concept is wonderful, but the challenges of controlling and coordinating that huge a swarm are possibly bordering on the impractical. (then again, science-fiction!)

Sooo….the pattern is, whenever I find a science fiction TV series very exciting, the AV Club gets Handlen to review it. Pretty darn neat.

It is a little aggravating that in a mission where a heck of a lot of things could go wrong, noone thought of leaving a few space-tugs attached to the HMS just to make any

Well, maybe they started that way, but it's a safe bet that these are just jumping off points. Cliches can be boring or effective, depending on what you do with them.

Discuss: Nomi is actually the 13th Doctor.

Absolutely agree with that, remy!
…but couldn't have put it so well. Thank you!

6 is not a number!
….erm, sorry.

Netflix's limited geographical coverage must have something to do with it. And maybe the fact this is a series that does take place all over the world, possibly an additional appeal to international audiences.

Maybe this is the effect of the Netfilx way of release? Unlike a "traditional" series, which airs on TV at a specific time, you have to seek out Sense8. So viewers are more likely to be the kind of folks who would want to see something like this, and consequently more favourable than critics- who do not have that kind

I thought about watching it in only a couple of sittings, but ended up gobbling 2-3 episodes each might, and it definitely works well that way.

Glad you're reviewing this, Rowan! Must be some interesting differences between reviewing a traditional format series and one that comes out all at once.

Yeah, same here about Hannah.
One of the promo pictures I'd seen was of her and Andrews and the gun, and I thought "oh crap, now I know what happens to her at the end of the series"…and it's a shot from the first episode.
Pretty neat trick, to be honest.

That was a moment of pure beauty, Lupin. Thank you.

I had the feeling they were being so heavy-handed with the whole Pride/Trans thing because they want to build an analogy with being sensate (=different) as the series progresses. So this acts to set the scene in a way.

Straczynski has said that they specifically wrote a couple of lines of dialogue to address that language thing, they seem to have anticipated you!

I'm just here to gripe about Alston not mentioning that Straczynski is a veteran of TV, and responsible for one of the most interesting SF series, Babylon 5, which was reviewed at this very site. C'mon AV Club, quit dropping the ball, will ya?

Well, it's sort of "Assault on Precinct 13 on Mars with Space Zombies".
Henstridge is good, Ice Cube is not that bad, and some of the supporting cast make the most of their little screentime. But it's definitely not Carpenter at his prime. All in all, not a bad couple of hours' fun.

They Britta-ed the CCs? Wow.

"That's right…it was a test"

Not so much the line, but the pause, looks and pace of that exchange.