
Well, 4th had flaws (big ones, even), but I always felt there was plenty of Community in it for me to enjoy it.

Britta spectacularly failing to mix a drink was both obvious and expected and beautifully done, for one thing.
They seem to have been trying for a Spanish 101 vibe with the apology montage- the one thing that fell obviously short in the episode, in my opinion.

Wow. Never though of it that way. Good catch!

I think the first episode's problem was…well..not enough people. We got the remaining four regulars, the Dean, Brewster as more or less a guest star, and the usual small fry/cameos. They just weren't enough to generate the sense of noise and chaos Community usually needs to work in full episodes (individual moments

Spot on! Loved how she started, obviously couldn't do it, but stuck with it (in mounting frustration) nonetheless.

They had radar!?

Going by the description, the Abramovic piece being "recreated" wasn't The Artist Is Present but Rhythm 0.

Ow c'mon! No mention of the fact its structure is pretty much beat-for-beat The Magnificent Seven?
I think that's why I love it so much, and enjoy it every single time: a perfect, silly parody of an iconic western.

Hell, the previous one didn't have a script and did just fine, so why bother?

This is weird. Generally Mike D'Angelo's tastes seem to run similar to mine -judging by past pieces here- but his review feels like we saw different movies.

Zero Theorem was quite enjoyable, and not at all tedious. What it lacked was the urgent sense of purpose that something like Brazil has. ZT felt more like Gilliam

That sounds like something some of us would definitely like to see…
(Oh go on go on go on go on)

Those we can handle, but the eye rolling…dear God, the eye rolling…

But it's a sign of respect!

@avclub-dc10fce584f2cdf09d6690e0f2883227:disqus , many, many thanks for these reviews. I enjoyed them tremendously.
I know this is a weird, backhanded compliment, but I'll miss frequently disagreeing with you. And apologies for pulling an Ivanova and dropping out after the hiatus- will definitely be going back and

Is this thread going to cover the projected motion picture, or are we going to wait until it's released in 2016/17?

Maybe the folks in charge were concerned that if they simply abandoned it there with a skeleton maintenance crew, some yahoo would show up and start yanking it through time.

It's actually even better when you remember their ship is Minbari, which means originally the gunner did all those acrobatics while wearing either religious robes or the clunky armour of the warrior caste.

Excuse me, is this where we line up for the pitchfork-mob-and-heretic-burning combo?

No offense taken at the language, of course. It was just an interesting bit of username-content synergy.
I get what you're saying, but to me Sheridan's choice of words never registered as even slightly flawed, and I hope I've clearly explained why.

"Fanwank"? "Nitpick to death"? Not very diplomatic language there.

Well, I went back and watched the episode again in between World Cup games, just to make sure my perception wasn't clouded by all that fanwanking. Sheridan says to his XO:
"All power to engines.
Give me ramming speed.
a) the person receiving the orders h