
…I kinda like Lochley. And G'Kar becoming a prophet -and dealing with it in his own inimitable way- is a delight.

Am I the only one who thinks this is a homage to Dr. Strangelove? Yes? OK, I'll shut up.

Point, your honour?
Hitler ordered the complete destruction of infrastructure in Germany when the Soviets got within sight of Berlin. So the whole "my people are not supposed to survive my death" thing is there.

It also ties in with the theme running throughout the show that telepathy is a really powerful, dangerous thing.

And let's not forget, Earthforce has the Earth-Minbari war in its recent history. From what we've heard and seen, they fought it so desperately ramming may have been a widespread tactic. So "ramming speed" could be something that EF crews are familiar with.
(and it makes an interesting link between Sheridan and

Apart from being a very clear shorthand to the audience (and the coolness factor, of course), it does make sense. It isn't just full power to engines-maximum speed, but also maximum acceleration (i.e. "max speed NOW"). And there's the issue of sustainability as well- full or flank speed is pretty much as fast as you

That reveal actually is somewhat effective. Sheridan does not crack after they "kill" the guy, so for him it's a small victory of sorts. Well, think again Mr. Bravepants, we were prepared for this eventuality. Think what you will, feel what you will, it doesn't matter because eventually you'll do what we want.

The pacing of these episodes is so perfect- they do not seem to put a foot wrong at all.
And that windmill move the White Stars make is…my God, it's cool and thrilling beyond words.

Centauri barbers are great for styling, but very careless with their razors. They can slice someone's neck in two if they're not paying attention.

I'm with Insect on this one.
It does reflect very effectively how cut off from Earth the B5 crew is, but is also achieves something else: it makes their conflict with it more credible. They're ignorant -due to distance and logistics- of the details of what's been happening, but can plainly see that Earth has abandoned

To make an analogy with the World Wars, we call them that although the fighting did not take place everywhere.
There's huge areas of planet Earth that did not see a shot fired in anger in 1914-18 and/or 1939-45, but the sense of a global conflict is not diminished by this.

Yeah, we're kind of top of the world on that one.
Of course, guess who's organizing the next Olympic games…

Let's not forget the running around.

No, seriously. Seeing a team fan out in offense in just the right way or pull together in a structured array in defense is one of the big joys of the game.

Uruguay. Because of Forlan, obviously, but also because they played some great football last time (and in the Copa America). Would love to see them pull that off again.
And the teams from Africa- they have a loose, offensive-oriented brand of football that's a joy to watch.

Yeah, it's probably very hard to get excited about a sport where the game does not stop every twelve seconds so that someone can explain to you what just happened LIKE YOU'RE A FOUR-YEAR-OLD.

Assuming he's not joking or simply having a bit of fun with generating headlines and fan rage, it would actually fit quite well into how unfocused and meandering the later books are.

I'm not comparing him to Rowling, King or anyone else, just examining him on his own.
Writing is a brutal thing, deadlines are crushing, and even when you do know what you want to write filling the pages is still a formidable, occasionally punishing, task. BUT. I don't think this is what is happening.
The books have

It occurs to me that no amount of pestering from an editor can force an author to write more -and worse- material when he a) has no contractual obligation to do so and b) doesn't want to do it.

And ol' RR is beginning to opt for the second, to be honest.

No, the dusting is taken care of by his…associates.