
Well, she probably spent a fair bit of time tied to a chair with the company's PR department telling her "You can't say 'the books will be finished when we want, suck it', just make up something that'll give those poor bastard readers some hope, will ya?"

Maybe now all those fawning simpletons will catch on to the fact GRRM and his publishers see them solely as reliable cash and adulation dispensers…oh who am I kidding?

Thank you for saying this. Saves me the time to type it myself :-).

@Michael, my impression was the opposite: a lot of one-off actors did brilliant work. Always thought it was because after years of conventional parts they were given something they could really sink their teeth into.

The 20th century begs to differ on that last point, your honour.

I have a faint recollection of reading some the Centauri trilogy…but apart from being put off by how they were too obviously written around a "list of things to resolve", not particularly impressed by them.

The Shadow Ships tend to glow when they're hit by really heavy guns- so it seems that above a certain threshold they do reradiate excess power.
Hmmm….now you're got me wondering if that glow around Vorlon ships that are targetted isn't so much a shield as some sort of heat dissipation system.

The Shadow Ships tend to glow when they're hit by really heavy guns- so it seems that above a certain threshold they do reradiate excess power.
Hmmm….now you're got me wondering if that glow around Vorlon ships that are targetted isn't so much a shield as some sort of heat dissipation system.

Rowan left to take command of one of the new Warlock class cruisers.

It's probably only slightly exaggerated. How many people with Garibaldi's background, connection, position and status did Edgars have that kind of leverage over? I'm guessing very few. If Bester was looking for irresistible Edgars-bait, our favourite security chief is very close to top of the list.

In the DVD commentary, JMS muses on how he took a look at the list of crew Vejar had collected to shoot the scene of Sheridan being captured and having no idea why he needed all those people. Vejar answers "well, you wrote 'a lion taken down by jackals', and that suggested to me a very particular thing" as if it's the

Really? He offs people who see specific art pieces before he does?
(hell, you could get a few museums on board)

That cannot have been easy to write- and to post. You're very brave, Quirky.


Let's pitch that. Art-motivated serial killer. Would be a good excuse for all the effete mannerisms Hollywood likes to give them, too.

A pleasure!
I don't remember having to shit after my graduation, but hey, if it's compulsory or something…

Hear hear.

See? That's the problem with lists. Lawrence at 42?

Any Shakespeare in it?

It's the only Tarantino that I've actually been happy to watch again and again. Pam Grier has a lot to do with that, of course. But he did build a great movie around her.