
"You can sleep with [black people]….The little I ask you is not to promote it on
that … and not to bring them to my games."

Wait, what?

Wow. I thought archaeology was supposed to wait at least close to a century before starting to dig.

You'd think with all the bruhaha last week they'd go with a Throne rather than a Stove.

And because he's such a character, he really brings outs remarkable stuff as a foil to the others.
Sheridan's bit about heads and tables here, and one of O'Hare's best moments in Season 1 is when Bester protests what he's being asked to put in his report is a lie: "Yes it is. What's your point?"

In that sense it's interesting to see it paired with Thirdspace as Rowan did- it shows B5 can pull off creepy horror, but apparently not in feature-length.

Hmmm. Good point.
Of course, this is a theme that will turn up in Season 5 as well. I think JMS is framing it more as the world not being enlightened enough to do what the heroic Captain wants rather than good old Nuke'em failing to be a proper political animal, but it's still something that is a feature of post-Z

Dunno, Tilda's walk through the streets of Marakesh (or wherever it is) was so hypnotic…he never managed to catch that incredible vibe again.
But you're right it felt much more "hey, this is the stuff I find cool" than Jarmusch usually does.

Well, you're typing now, you can come clean about it all.

But they're keeping Ep. I-III? Man, what a wasted opportunity.

I always thought that this episode had less to do with explaining or filling in backstory and more to do with building up to the Minbari storyline that follows.
Delenn again finding herself in the eye of the storm, and the choices she makes. That way there is symmetry. (mumble-chirp-klick-klick)

I've always liked that the show makes the Vorlons into these introspection gurus ("who are you?" etc.) who do not practice it on themselves- no self-examination, no admitting the possibility of mistake, just stone-hard certainty.

Sinclair would have sussed him in under two minutes. There's this technique that he learned in the three years he spent being taught by Jesuits…

Man, it's so sad O'Hare's passed.

@shrewgod, I've seen stuff in our newspapers and TV channels (especially since the state broadcaster was shut down) that's just as transparently fabricated as the stuff in this episode.
And of course, journalists occasionally hold panels on why the media are no longer trusted by the public, and act very concerned about

Neroon's the flarn, acolytes.

It's my dashing good looks, isn't it? (preens for the camera)

That is delightful.


Well, Zero Theorem opened here yesterday. I'd say it's the best Gilliam movie in years, but since it's the only Gilliam movie in years that's rather redundant.
It was fun, definitely. It was also somewhat strange in that it felt like a cross between a new film and an anthology of his previous ones. In any case, it was

Thanks, I will!

Initially thought that this was about the series with Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg, so meant to say "good for him!"…then realisation hit.
I've seen The Searchers more than a dozen times (although only once on the big screen, which was…wow), Wrath of Khan and The Outlaw Josey Wales around ten, but thirty? That's a lot.