
Dolma is also the swedish word for a hussar's braided jacket. Not sure how you get from one to the other- probably because it's "wrapping"?
The original Hussars were Hungarians after all, so there was some exchange of Balkan/Asian/Eastern culture taking place on their turf.

Maybe what's burning you out is that they are sticking to a particular format/formula? There always seems to be a sort of backstory->exposition->fight A->capture/prison sequence->fight B->hero's big moment->fight C(general mayhem) structure to them. I threw in the towel after Avengers and Man of Steel, so maybe

Not to mention "uncovering a long lost deed from an underground lair to a property
notarizing the co-dean supervision of a sandwich making school's
curriculum and property management with a 20 years absent hermit
millionaire to avert losing an iconic home at the 11th hour" and
"tipping it all off with a nod to the

That bit about ducks reminded me of the scene in Sneakers where Redford's trying to track his route by sound!
Would this be a good introduction to Riley, in your opinion?

Thanks! This is on my list, and what you wrote has pushed it even closer to "must-not-miss".

Wow. Never thought of it like that.

Or a supporting character.
(sorry, sorry…)

(looks up "to Lannister" in Oxford, fails to find it)

And your larger point -when you do get around to making one; I'm sure that will happen soon- is some sort of. What? Criticism; probably.


Ah, great to see these return. Rowan, as always, making some very interesting points.
In the interests of returning these comments to form, I will of course disagree with him. Specifically on the CGI. While ND did not surpass the amazing stuff produced by Foundation Imaging, there still delivered some breathtaking

Is there coffee?

Two objections:
a) The captain does not simply talk the Shadows and Vorlons away. He does not argue. He does not fight. He plants his feet, and says "come knock me over, I won't stop you". As weird as it seems for a guy with a couple of thousand ships armed to the teeth and a brace of nukes at his disposal, Sheridan

Possibly, but the fact he was ready to die in a (possibly futile) attempt to improve his people's chances of survival still counts, no?

Cheech's brother is writing Song of Ice and Fire? That explains a lot.

The way that whole exchange builds up to that little pause and "Actually…now that you mention it…" is incredible.

Not bullshit. IMHO, etc.
I'll admit that given the general nastiness of Westeros it's not very obvious. However the women who suffer the most are those who will not "stay in their rightful place".


Cersei wants to rule and sees her child die in front of her, is constantly outmaneuvered by smarter,

…which is why I'm back as well.


(crosses it off list)