
Erm. When your last, best hope for peace fails, then your last, best hope for victory becomes very, very important.
Speaking about B5, I think your assertion it makes a case for the necessity of war is not correct. It deals with the inevitability of war. Look at the setup: every couple of milennia (or a few centuries),

Erm, actually (checks to make sure this is the spoiler thread) the leaked video leads to discussions of an inquiry, and Clark imposes martial law to stamp out that whole possibility. Or is my memory playing tricks on me?

Ooooo, Messages From Earth! Love that one.

I think they get most of their templates from the historical past rather than the imaginary future.

It's strange, but JMS really seems to have been on a good roll where media is concerned.
Our government shut down the public broadcaster ten days ago, and it felt a little like hey, I've seen this in space. It was almost "there's information you don't have" moments.

Ah, Bester!
What a great character, and a great performance from Koenig. From the beginning it was evident Bester is a highly intelligent, very perceptive guy. And this episode shows you how even if you take his power away, he's still that person, and still dangerous (as @mratfink also wrote).
I think that line about

Hmmmm. I'm not sure this condensed version would be better. It's a bit like The Searchers: sure, there's a lot of broad, goofy comedy that's a whole different tone from the grim, deep main theme. But if you take it away, the result is almost relentlessly dark- so maybe it's not a bad thing it's included.

I loved how rushed G'Kar's delivery of the book of G'Quan is. Drive-by fast.

Don't remember if this is spelled out later on, but is Dust a by-product of Edgars' little enterprise? Or maybe one of the foks involved in it realised "hey, here's a way to make some extra dough from this research".

I always wonder if Draal's "I like you, you're trouble" is also supposed to echo/explain the Walkers' reaction somehow. That they join in not because Ivanova pushed their Vorlon button but because "hey guys, there's a tiny creature here trying to trash-talk us- this should be fun".

"…and then my associates joined in."

@Apes-Ma, I didn't really intend to get that involved in this discussion, but: "after it turned out they were long gone"?
They found a bunch of corpses in a single structure on a fairly large moon. Which they have not mapped in detail.
If you're desperate and clutching at straws, why not the straw that says "big

The fellow in question was Johannes Hahn, the Austrian EU Commisioner. To be precise, the authority checking his dissertation concluded that by modern standards he was cheating his heart out, but since they couldn't check the standards in use twenty years ago when he wrote it, they could not properly accuse him of

Well, a fair few more have surfaced since good ol' zu G., and not all of them suffered the same disgrace. At least in one case the university affected basically said, "yeah, he plagiarised in his dissertation, but there's hardly a point taking back the title after so long".

Yes, especially the sleazy bedroom-related stuff Laugesen loves is quite common. It occasionally makes a stir, but usually deflates if it's not about a major player. Although it does tend to stick.
A number of actresses have run for parliament here, and there's always a flurry of "your naked MP" articles or similar in

Thanks for that! I do get a feeling that the series is closely linked to comtemporary Danish politics, but living elsewhere (and seeing it with a few years' delay to when it first aired) not all those links are visible to me. Maybe it makes it better somehow- it's easier to relate to general themes when you are not

Erm, I think one of the points of the episode it to actually ask if that personality was destroyed. If Death of Personality is as seamless and perfect procedure as it is advertised as, or something remains deep where the process cannot reach it.

It kind of links to telepath ratings a bit. You do a scan pre- and

Actually, now that you say it…

Oh, beautiful. Well played!

At the very least, Prom 2: More Proms will clarify if the first movie sucked because of Scott or Lindeloff. Pretty expensive way to find out, of course.

@Pretentious Goon, I'll give you the nanobots. Hadn't heard that before, and it's almost believable.
The rest…look, I'm not going to really argue the point. For me, Prometheus was full of dumb, lazy choices, and I feel that way because I was paying attention. For you, it's a good film, because all these choices make