
I can't like this post enough.
Absolutely agree.

Yeah, @Lovely Bones makes a good point.
A bit like Douglas Adams' explanation of how the infinite improbability drive came about.

"Ridley, I can't write characters who aren't utter morons."
"No problem. We'll choose a crew of complete idiots!"

To your last question: because when a turd is polished highly enough, we the moviegoing public reward its producers with oodles of money.
When a movie sucks and makes a fortune, there's no incentive to make a movie that doesn't suck.

@Drunk Dave, my complaints with Prometheus are mostly connected to how whatever central premise they had was wrapped up so thickly in a quilt of set pieces (and what set pieces, oy!) that I lost complete interest in contemplating it. No matter what its creators intended, the movie was about nothing.

Dammit! The sequel script leaked already!

Whoa, that's a lot of planning.

Simple. Just ask Jennifer Connelly to ask them to stop. Done.

The guy is new, we're still calibrating him.

The good Doctor makes a fine point.
Many of them, actually. I think the episode also got a bad rap because by the time it aired a sort of consensus had formed that "this ain't Community any more", and was coloring evreybody's opinion.

Not felt like that at all to me. She's still the same person, just a bit later down the road.
I think Pilou stepping a bit more into the background was part of a point they were trying to make on how political commnication and journalism have changed, and become more career choices to move between than

Fascinating. I had never heard of this.

And yet bizarrely enough, it's something I feel I can comment on from experience. Not the "game show" part, but the whole "spoilsport/cheat" part, and I don't think Larson can be labelled either. Loooong story follows (abandon all hope all ye who enetr here etc.).
Some years ago,

You designed Nomic?

Ah yes. Apologies.
Tagged now.

But there also seems to be a split within Anglo-Saxon academia regarding style of oral presentations. In my experience, at least.
British and british-trained academics tend to be very subdued, dry and monotone, while those from the other side of the Atlantic adopt a more energetic and lively style. Of course, that is a

@Los Pollos Hermanos, although it's probably for the best where keeping a tension-free set is concerned, losing Pierce has hurt the show. There's no one in the group who can do what Pierce did (and be who he was), and his departure changes the way stories can be told. I'm pretty sure the new writers (who are also the

Wasn't most of the shaking etc. her CGI double?

George Lucas, writing genius.

[David Attenborough]
Under the hot sun of the TV wasteland, these large migratory herds of comedy writers, banding together to protect themselves from cancellation predators, toil forward among a cacophony of gags and punchlines.
[/David Attenborough]


Having watched a fair bit of the show, I have to say that Katrine develops into one of the most intriguing villains in any TV series.

Maybe so, but there's a widespread trend in current European (at least) politics of hijacking terms that have some sort of particular meaning or resonance to describe just about anything.