
Oh, we're all B5 fans here, we can easily handle long speeches.

Thanks for taking the time to write all that. And looking forward to seeing you around in the next episode!

Although it's probably the absence of a comical moustache that clinched it.

Pronunciation is the key.

Condolences for your loss.
I can't really respond to the rest…I'm very bad at conveying emotion. But I'm glad you're here, and posting, and absolutely wowed by the trust you extend to us by telling us your story. Thank you.

Aaron Sorkin!? You mean I should have been pacing while reading this?

The big question is, has he learned from his experience at Real M.?
He does seem to have abandoned his usual game tactic of lulling everyone to sleep via excessive worry about defense -this year Real played beautiful offense even in crucial games- but I'm not sure this is a permanent change in his thinking.

Congratulations! Bravo! Assorted well wishes!

And what's the correct procedure should one step on a mine, sir?

It's definitely an interesting film. I really love the language. This idea that to recapture the past you have to recreate its language, and how they haven't really got it right and it feels unnatural, is fascinating and also entirely consistent with who these people are. It's a lovely touch.

Yes, it was a pleasant surprise. Didn't really expect it to be as thoughtful and emotional as it was.

A smashing read. Thanks for the link!

Well, several episodes this season I only enjoyed because of Smith. Even with a weak script, he's always compelling as the doctor. So in a sense, him leaving will make the writers' missteps more noticeable.
Given what the expectations are from DW, and the huge bruhaha the 50th anniversary will kick up, it might be an

This will probably sound weird but…Alan Rickman.

Yes, but what is the question?

"Nonono, he was eliminating competition". Wanna bet that's what they'll answer?

Jupiter? Far from home, are you?
Don't know if "reflex tweeting" is an actual term, but this seems to fit whatever the criteria would be.

Hang tight!
This will appear to be rubbing salt on a wound, but mixed among the new movies this week is a limited re-release of A Night At The Opera. And it's showing in two open-air cinemas. Bliss.

There's quite a few things in this review that I'd like to comment on, but don't want to risk spoiling anything. I think that how the show will treat the issues raised above makes for very compelling viewing.
So, some stray remarks instead:
a) Todd. Thank you for that note. I understand your approach, and apologize for

My impression -not sure if it's explicitly mentioned in an episode or not- is that Laugesen was in the Express already, but obviously not running it while heading a political party. So when he gets booted out of his party he heads back to the barn, so to speak.

Like, the currency?
That hand't gone away, surely.

Well, I'm not sure you could describe me as super passionate, but like @jmunney my affection for the show did not tumble. I was even looking forward to what the new team would do next season, having more or less gotten their sea legs over S4. And, like S1-4, I'll judge the fifth by what's on the screen and not who's