
Prince Potemkin, thank you!

Well, finally got around to seeing The Master.
I watched it with my father- we try a sort of impromptu movie night every now and then (he's always been into film, read Cahiers du Cinema back in the sixties and so on). More often than not, he watches about half the movie and then gets up to read his newspaper or do

"For what it is worth"? I thought that was JMS's hobbyhorse, not David's.
The novels are really weighed down by the whole "let's reference/remember/explain every single thing that was shown on screen" mentality. And also "let's include everyone from the series".
If you compare them to the show, which occasionally used

Oh, yes. I've always been partial to Scoggins (and Lochley), and seeing this panel kind of reminded me why. Apart from everything else, she really had a fan's love for the show and the people in it.
Right after the video tribute to cast and crew who've passed away, Furst (who's sitting right next to her) starts telling

Rowan, that's an interesting take on Inquisitor. Food for thought.

And of course, Fall of Night closes this arc and its theme of who you will fight/die for. In CTI, Delenn and Sheridan show they will die for each other. In FON, Sheridan shows he will fight where Earth will not -for his station, and for what he

Tip o' the hat to @Douay-Rheims-Challoner for pointing out JMS is working mostly with the FDR template rather than something more recent. Well said.
Oh, one more thing. @Prankster36 , your idea that people would go "Hey, that's a lot like Nazism": in our last election here in Greece the Neonazis made it into

C'mon, four years isn't a long tour of duty.


I actually like the idea of Kosh appearing as the fathers. Fathers are authority figures and all that, yes, but there's also something else about them: eventually, we all step out of their shadow and take our lives in our own hands. So while it can certainly be interpreted as

Good choice. They need somebody who can shoot long, silent scenes- that way they can cover up they've only got 2/3rds of a script.

Erm, these activities aren't really equivalent.

I don't think you can call something a lazy rehash when everyone's clearly put a lot of energy into it. "Creatively unambitious", maybe, but not lazy.

@Schmoker and @Bucky Calloway make a very good point: Kurt Russell always delivers, and pushes every movie he's in a couple of notches up on the quality slider.
It's weird that I think of him as an essentially underrated actor even though he is a big star. It's not like when you say "Kurt Russell" people go "who?" or

Soldier is the clear choice- I'll always sit down and watch it when it's on TV, all the way through to the end. When Event Horizon is on, I'll tune in and watch intermittently- mostly for the cast and the visuals, rather than the story or the scares. Although Sam Neill's "that's not a load-bearing structure!" is a

@J Mac , details? That sounds fascinating.

Impressive. He's nailed all the reasons I will always sit down and watch Soldier whenever it's on TV.

I thought we were talking about the CG…oh, I see what you did there.

Well, if that isn't conclusive evidence, we need to withdraw the term.
(thanks for sharing!)

Hooray for Moonrise Kingdom!

Well hello there.