
So that is how you spell "Duh-doi"!

Absolutely agree, Automocar.
Even with the hokey graphics, they manage to really sell the wonder and mystery of the Vorlon ship. The first time I heard "it sang to me" it was goosebump time- and it hasn't diminished much with familiarity, either.
And most of the cat-and-mouse stuff is briskly paced. Although the guy

Also, I think 52 is the only other clone who has seen Julia, at the desert crash site. The others (however many of them there are) will probably go on thinking about her as a strange dream- but this one knows she really exists.

That bad, huh? Guess my decision to studiously avoid paying attention to trailers may be working after all (apart from nearly backfiring disastrously for The Hobbit).

It's not Stellar- that's a whole other kind of heavenly body.

Well, if you insist…(stones Signal30).

Yeah, it was pretty neat. After that first "wait, what?" I kind of expected it to do the whole round trip and follow the UNIVERSAL letters as they rotated into view.

Didn't he say something like "I've read about this game"?

Well, if it was recording the communications between Earth and the Odyssey, it would have picked up everything until the Tet's doors close.

It's actually quite straightforward
The Tet is in orbit around the Earth and dips below the horizon at night, rising again in the morning.
It makes even more sense after the reveal. Since there's probably even more crews around the planet, there's no single orbit that will allow it to keep touch with all of them, and

Yey Neroon! Dammit, I really like the guy. Also, the way the show builds him up. First time we see him he's this hardcore Warrior Caste guy on ceremonial guard duty. Now he's on the Council, and this actually shines an additional light on his previous appearance- he's obviously important in the Caste, and escorting

Absolutely agree on McGill. He really shines. Although I don't think it's a case of his shoes being too small- more like he defers to the chain of command.

@Yuri Petrovich, the Shadows' (and the Joker's, actually) definition of chaos seems to be closer to the mathematical concept than the everyday use of the word.
It's not just about mixing things up randomly. It's more about bifurcations: choices that change and shape the future. Their organisation is focused on being

One thing about Race that stands out in my view (apart from that very well shot confrontation/resolution with Bester that Jobo also pointed out) is Thompson's performance in the scenes where the runaways tell Talia their stories. There's something about her posture, her stillness, that really works. It must have been

Jobo, you're absolutely right about the fake-out at the end of Race. It's very well done.
Actually, B5 pulls off quite a nice trick (IMHO) in that several of its surprise endings can still give you a buzz on rewatching, rather than being one-shot disposable twists. And Race is one of them.

Actually, there is at least one Talia moment in the B5 "expanded universe". Some of the comic books handled Sinclair and Garibaldi's meeting in Mars, and their shuttle crash (which is lightly referenced in "Messages from Earth" in S3). They find a Psi Corps base, and a single panel shows Talia being put through some

Yep. And the other thing Koenig manages to project is that Bester's a very, very intelligent man- there's a mind there that's sharp as a razor. Makes him more interesting, and much more threatening.

@Prankster36 , I'll disagree with you.
I don't think B5's attitude is "Nothing ever changes, the future's going to suck, people who look forward to it are naive". Not at all. Nothing changes, sure, just like from a particular point of view nothing has changed for two thousand years. But that does not mean the future

Well, I'm not convinced the "Blackpool incident" was a result of a sinister ploy by the producers rather than an effect of how seat-of-the-pants last-minute the deal with TNT was. Sure, Claudia's version suggests the former, and the general attitude of Babylonian isn't exactly a mark in their favour, but that

Absolutely agree, Songbird. Good points.