
They occasionally pop up at auction sites, going for steepish prices (in absolute terms- I've got too little contact with the action figure market to judge if they're appropriate for a rare OOP item etc.).
I always keep an eye out for a second-hand, unboxed Shadow, because it would be much, much cooler to have the

(just in case someone drops in by accident)

When discussing Londo and his fate, Lady Morela's prophecy should figure prominently. His "final chance at redemption" comes through him accepting his own destruction. My take on this has always been that she's not talking about the physical- his death. Londo, as

Thanks, @Arex! Clever. Actually having it "spoiled" was somewhat better, following the trickery made it easier to digest the rather…ahem…workmanlike prose.

We`re all appreciating the thought you're clearly putting into this, @trickster.

Don't know about that, @Willy Pete. The makeup, that clipped, intense delivery they all do (probably an effect of the prosthetics), the chopped english, it all comes together in a rather pleasing whole.

"The big CGI monster that attacked Londo's assistant…I could maybe have done without, but everything else with them was OK by me."
I know that the monster's look is due to the constraints of technology and budget, but it's actually pretty funny to take the alternate tack and imagine that it looks that way because in

Looks like 2259 is the year me and Rowan disagree on a lot.
For example, the Drazi in Geometry of Shadows. It's almost worth it for "Rules predate interstellar contact. Rules change (beat) caught up in commitee" alone. And, even if it is obvious and unsubtle ("You do same, fight for flag, yes?"), its handling of the

Hmmm. Having two of the Earthforce Sourcebook because, dammit, the US and UK editions have different covers? MOC Shadow Action Figure? Complete set of the B5 Component Game System, er, components?
None of these sounds particularly geeky. I did wear my jumpgate pin to a conference presentation, however.

"The idea that Ivanova could just take the cloth and become "leader" is ridiculous on its face: why wouldn't another Drazi just beat the shit out of the current leader and take it?"
Because only Ivanova would come up with the idea. That's kind of the point. They have their scripted ritual, and stick to it rigidly (and

I wonder if the problem with the Technomages whenever they show up again is that not-a-one of these actors comes close to what Ansara brings to the part.

Y'know, I never actually caught that until now.

Ansara says one of things they know is "the four words that will make someone fall in love with you forever" (approx. quote), so the two are not mutually exclusive.
(wiggles fake eyebrows suggestively)

The Explorer class vessels (wessels) are mostly tasked with expanding the reach of Earth-controlled space. They go out, chart systems, and -more importantly- build jumpgates to access them. So it's not an entirely unsuitable parallel with how the Conquistadores expanded the Spanish Crown's territory.
Cortez is also one

@ApathyMonger , it kinda makes sense- there was just something about Caitlin Brown that worked for Na'Toth. Even under the makeup and everything.

Welcome, Songbird! I had a feeling this would be the year new commenters came upon us all.

So we're not mentioning Sinclair is with Carolyn Sykes before getting back with Catherine Sakai? No? Ok, then.

"And this is Satai Marx- pay no attention to him, he's, ah, differently enlightened".

@Sajanas, the Warrior caste are an interesting analogue to Cold War militaries in a way. They're always preparing and training to fight this enormous world-saving War that never comes, and when they finally get to flex their muscle it's against some lower-tech clueless idiots who play by a different book altogether.

Absolutely, Lupin. The man single-handedly saves something like "Grey 17 is missing"…quite an achievement.

Good point, @David cgc . While the little we hear about Santiago in S1 does suggest a more otherness-open politics, Clark was his VP. It could be a political compromise balanced ticket, and with Santiago gone and other factors and agents throwing in their influence and dangling the promise of even more power, things