
"Hi new Earth guy commanding B5, I know where your long-though-of-as-dead wife is, and my associates will give her back to you now, instead of, say, wait and see if they will need big leverage against you in the future". Yes, absolutely.

It was established (early in S1, I think) that there is a "graveyard shift" of several hours where there's only a single duty officer at C-n-C. It always looked like Sheridan assigned himself the first on the roster to get to make his speech without interruptions.

It actually runs through the whole series, not just Sheridan. I think in his case, it's also shorthand for how he's in a very different situation that he's used to- having been riding spaceships out there on looooooong supply lines with few amenities for many years. Doesn't he have something like a "you have proper

I've heard that earlier this year at a convention Straczynski was talking about this and basically looked up at the ceiling and yelled "go pick on another show!".

It's probably correct to point out that this alternative not only assumes Sinclair stays but that the series generates enough interest/viewership to go beyond the original five-year plan, which is a bit of a stretch.
I think it's more likely JMS would pull Sinclair to go valening off into the sunset late in S3, having

So, can we already start discussing a couple of the episodes in Season 6 that confused the hell out of me?

Good idea about the thread, Jobo. And rest assured even some of us dyed-in-the-wool "old hands" miss Sinclair.

Dammit, the Psi Corps got Anlyn.

Never found it particularly weird.
For example, in contemporary aircraft carrier operations the commander of the carrier's air group and his deputy often lead missions, while back in WWI squadron commanders were mainly planning/administrative posts with little flight time. Things have been done differently enough in

As Yuri Petrovich said, Keffer was not part of any of Straczynski's plans. He was a studio note passed down to JMS. Dutifully, he found space for him in a few episodes (even used him well in a couple of them), but did not really tie him in too close to the rest.

At the risk of skipping ahead quite a few episodes…WOOHOO!
Glad to see these reviews and Rowan are back again!

And to celebrate this return properly, I'm going to go ahead and disagree with Rowan right out of the gate on the "thoughtful Sinclair/action Sheridan". To me, it still stands, because there's several different

OK, rantless comment here.
First point: "meticulously researched" in 1960-1970 may still fall way short of what modern scholarship and increased archives accessibility have established as accurate.
Second point: to all intents and purposes, Kubrick's Napoleon was filmed. It's Scott's The Duellists (reviewed here at the

Oh wow, swell! Thank you, Academy! You couldn't have given Spielberg everything for Lincoln, so now he'll be cramming another turgid, paceless, cipher-populated history-quenching biopic down everyone's throats, unless he turns it into mind-numbingly-tedious-miniseries-for-extra-boring-sleep-inducing-suckitude. Thank

Lux, hate? No. I don't hate this book. I'm completely indifferent to it, which is quite surprising given how much I liked GoT. Guess it takes an accomplished writer like GRRM to make that happen.

Well, there's Colonel Chabert, a couple of versions of War and Peace, Gance's Napoleon, Bondarchuk's Waterloo…even a couple of german 1940ish propaganda pieces.

I honestly cannot see that as an improvement. We're in Fantasy Casting here, but it's likely Reed's innate charm would mess with Feraud's (Keitel) single-minded, uncompormising attitude. And York would be too "honourable", losing Hubert's complex motivation that Carradine portrayed so effectively.

Not sure I'd call him a psycho.
I felt he was just a perfect portrait of someone who, for the first time in his life, found a place for himself in the bloody carnage of two decades of war. And there were many like that- in the various wars of liberation in South America and Europe in the 1820-30s you

Maybe he's just taking an extra-long sabbatical?

And will then issue a challenge to those responsible for this oversight?