
Apologies for stirring the pot when the soup has cooled, but I've been mulling this over.
I think the whole "Great Man" thing is less a philosophical choice and more one of storytelling. As a real-world example, consider this: it's almost impossible to tell the story of WW2 France without the larger-than-life figure of

Apologies for stirring the pot when the soup has cooled, but I've been mulling this over.
I think the whole "Great Man" thing is less a philosophical choice and more one of storytelling. As a real-world example, consider this: it's almost impossible to tell the story of WW2 France without the larger-than-life figure of

Easy, Puzzler. Delenn's adventures with disappearing dead bodies are rather well known.
(where's the "tongue-in-cheek" icon in this darn software?)

Easy, Puzzler. Delenn's adventures with disappearing dead bodies are rather well known.
(where's the "tongue-in-cheek" icon in this darn software?)

But Rowan, it's to be expected.
Since he's been UNSTUCK IN TIIIME!
At least once, anyway.

But Rowan, it's to be expected.
Since he's been UNSTUCK IN TIIIME!
At least once, anyway.


Yuri, take5, it all depends on how much you think JMS has retroactively interfered with the history of B5's production, of course. In Vol.15 of the script books he's got the overall narrative he gave O'Hare while they were ramping up to the start of shooting, and it includes the whole


Yuri, take5, it all depends on how much you think JMS has retroactively interfered with the history of B5's production, of course. In Vol.15 of the script books he's got the overall narrative he gave O'Hare while they were ramping up to the start of shooting, and it includes the whole

First glimpse onscreen was "oh dear, alien-of-the-week, and they only had off-cuts from the wardrobe department to dress him with, too".
And then he does this "big war, but big chance for peace" thing and he's transformed. In my experience anyway.

First glimpse onscreen was "oh dear, alien-of-the-week, and they only had off-cuts from the wardrobe department to dress him with, too".
And then he does this "big war, but big chance for peace" thing and he's transformed. In my experience anyway.

Lots and lots of love for "Babylon squared", both when it first aired and on rewatching it.
At the time, my only source of semi-reliable information on science fiction TV was STARLOG, and their coverage of B5 suggested it was always pretty close to getting the chop. So throughout the first season I never really

Lots and lots of love for "Babylon squared", both when it first aired and on rewatching it.
At the time, my only source of semi-reliable information on science fiction TV was STARLOG, and their coverage of B5 suggested it was always pretty close to getting the chop. So throughout the first season I never really


Michael, maybe you're not setting the stakes high enough?

The "fire that awaits at the end of the journey" for Londo always seemed to me to be he'd cause the destruction of the Centauri. Be their last Emperor, that kind of thing. It ties in with his sense of duty to his world and his devotion to


Michael, maybe you're not setting the stakes high enough?

The "fire that awaits at the end of the journey" for Londo always seemed to me to be he'd cause the destruction of the Centauri. Be their last Emperor, that kind of thing. It ties in with his sense of duty to his world and his devotion to

@Murc, the jumpgate you refer to was probably one of the original ones "found" thoughout the galaxy rather than one built by Earthforce.

As for freighter transit times..JMS was asked at a convention how fast the White Star was, his answer was reported as "it moves at a speed of plot".

@Murc, the jumpgate you refer to was probably one of the original ones "found" thoughout the galaxy rather than one built by Earthforce.

As for freighter transit times..JMS was asked at a convention how fast the White Star was, his answer was reported as "it moves at a speed of plot".

Two interesting things about "Eyes", in addition to what has been pointed out so far.

First, seeing Sinclair boast of being on The Line. We've seen his guilt, and how he struggles both with surviving the battle that claimed so many and his memory gap about it. But when he flings it in Ben Zayn's face, he's not using

Two interesting things about "Eyes", in addition to what has been pointed out so far.

First, seeing Sinclair boast of being on The Line. We've seen his guilt, and how he struggles both with surviving the battle that claimed so many and his memory gap about it. But when he flings it in Ben Zayn's face, he's not using

I really like your attitude towards the first season- it sounds like you're "getting" what B5 is trying to do. Pretty cool.

About Bikel…his imdb page shows several appearances on Murder, she wrote, which Straczynski had a long run on. And one of my friends pointed out a while back that a lot of B5's guest stars were

I really like your attitude towards the first season- it sounds like you're "getting" what B5 is trying to do. Pretty cool.

About Bikel…his imdb page shows several appearances on Murder, she wrote, which Straczynski had a long run on. And one of my friends pointed out a while back that a lot of B5's guest stars were