
I'll have to take the rap for that one.

I'm not familiar with disqus, so was unaware that Michael&Co didn't have the option of sharing those (interesting) points on LotR without posting them here. Much apologisings.

I'll have to take the rap for that one.

I'm not familiar with disqus, so was unaware that Michael&Co didn't have the option of sharing those (interesting) points on LotR without posting them here. Much apologisings.

Michael, I'm quite familiar with the "expanded" B5 universe- in the sense of having read most of the novels and comics, and a goodly amount of the gaming/RPG sourcebooky thingies. Although they contain a goodly amount of detail that fills gaps in the B5 story (say, how Sinclair and Garibaldi met), I cannot remember a

Michael, I'm quite familiar with the "expanded" B5 universe- in the sense of having read most of the novels and comics, and a goodly amount of the gaming/RPG sourcebooky thingies. Although they contain a goodly amount of detail that fills gaps in the B5 story (say, how Sinclair and Garibaldi met), I cannot remember a

@avclub-9fda17cadd97a91b294831b496bcb3d0:disqus  , I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. For me, the Vorlon reaction works exactly because they're so impenetrable. To expect that the thoughts and motivations of a race that's got a million years' worth of sentient being behind it can be explained in terms we

@avclub-9fda17cadd97a91b294831b496bcb3d0:disqus  , I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. For me, the Vorlon reaction works exactly because they're so impenetrable. To expect that the thoughts and motivations of a race that's got a million years' worth of sentient being behind it can be explained in terms we

Masthead, that's the whole point about the Vorlons though, isn't it? They're inscrutable, superior, and we are expected to simply comply. They -and the show- never break character in that respect.

Masthead, that's the whole point about the Vorlons though, isn't it? They're inscrutable, superior, and we are expected to simply comply. They -and the show- never break character in that respect.

I'll partly disagree with Rowan's somewhat ambivalent attitude towards "Signs and Portents". It's one hell of an important episode. Not just in terms of story, but mostly in terms of its bold statement of what this TV series was going to be. Any other show at that time (and quite a few of them since) would have ended

I'll partly disagree with Rowan's somewhat ambivalent attitude towards "Signs and Portents". It's one hell of an important episode. Not just in terms of story, but mostly in terms of its bold statement of what this TV series was going to be. Any other show at that time (and quite a few of them since) would have ended

Ahem. By definition, absorbing more radiation means you reflect less. Even paint that reflects differently in particular parts of the spectrum is going to mess with you. The Shadow ship's coating could also be a more than a layer of paint. Hell, we don't even know what they're made of. You'll also notice there doesn't

Ahem. By definition, absorbing more radiation means you reflect less. Even paint that reflects differently in particular parts of the spectrum is going to mess with you. The Shadow ship's coating could also be a more than a layer of paint. Hell, we don't even know what they're made of. You'll also notice there doesn't

The cast have mentioned (and it may be in one of the script books too) that once, after Jurassik and Katsoulas had played a particularly effective practical joke on JMS, he wrote a script where they hook up after G'Kar goes through a stress-induced sex change.

The cast have mentioned (and it may be in one of the script books too) that once, after Jurassik and Katsoulas had played a particularly effective practical joke on JMS, he wrote a script where they hook up after G'Kar goes through a stress-induced sex change.

This fellow here: http://www.themadgoner.com/… has done admirable work in getting, gathering and presenting information on the "technical" side of B5's design and CGI aspects. Well worth checking out, in my opinion.

This fellow here: http://www.themadgoner.com/… has done admirable work in getting, gathering and presenting information on the "technical" side of B5's design and CGI aspects. Well worth checking out, in my opinion.


Outside the opening credits? Minimum a couple thousand or so- that's about the size of B5's crew.
One aspect of traditional TV writing that B5 did not break was it stuck with a set of characters throughout. This does produce a certain artificiality in that most of the protagonists are all on the same


Outside the opening credits? Minimum a couple thousand or so- that's about the size of B5's crew.
One aspect of traditional TV writing that B5 did not break was it stuck with a set of characters throughout. This does produce a certain artificiality in that most of the protagonists are all on the same

Sat down and rewatched "By Any Means…" yesterday. At one point, Neeoma turns to Sinclair and says, "For what it's worth, I'm sorry this has to happen to you". Is this the first of JMS' for what it's worths? It wasn't really noticeable when the series was being broadcast, with plenty of time between episodes, but doing

Sat down and rewatched "By Any Means…" yesterday. At one point, Neeoma turns to Sinclair and says, "For what it's worth, I'm sorry this has to happen to you". Is this the first of JMS' for what it's worths? It wasn't really noticeable when the series was being broadcast, with plenty of time between episodes, but doing