
@Masthead , I'll disagree about "the narrative telling us that humans are special while showing almost every human not in the opening credits to be a xenophobic dirtbag" (it's like that Zizek quote about humanity being OK but 99% of people being idiots).

Throughout B5, there's a lot of humans doing the right thing.

@Masthead , I'll disagree about "the narrative telling us that humans are special while showing almost every human not in the opening credits to be a xenophobic dirtbag" (it's like that Zizek quote about humanity being OK but 99% of people being idiots).

Throughout B5, there's a lot of humans doing the right thing.

That's not what she meant at all. I remember that when CNN hired her there was this huge bruhaha because they'd picked a non-journalist as anchorwoman (not to mention a non-journalist who had occasionally shown more than her eyelashes). Went on for a few weeks, too.

That's not what she meant at all. I remember that when CNN hired her there was this huge bruhaha because they'd picked a non-journalist as anchorwoman (not to mention a non-journalist who had occasionally shown more than her eyelashes). Went on for a few weeks, too.

Hmmm, "Survivors"…somewhat unremarkable. Anyone think Lianna was cast with an eye to proving O'Hare's acting wasn't the stiffest possible?

But "By Any Means Necessary" is one of my favourite episodes. The novelty (then especially, but not undiminished now) of a science fiction TV episode with a line like "they

Hmmm, "Survivors"…somewhat unremarkable. Anyone think Lianna was cast with an eye to proving O'Hare's acting wasn't the stiffest possible?

But "By Any Means Necessary" is one of my favourite episodes. The novelty (then especially, but not undiminished now) of a science fiction TV episode with a line like "they

One of the reasons I'm so fond of "Deathwalker" is how it treats the Dilgar War.
It's a huge event in Earth's history and how it came to be considered a "Space Power" in a relatively short time. And because of that, in B5-fan-land (lurkerdom?) there's a lot of material on it (including a fan-written novel that's

One of the reasons I'm so fond of "Deathwalker" is how it treats the Dilgar War.
It's a huge event in Earth's history and how it came to be considered a "Space Power" in a relatively short time. And because of that, in B5-fan-land (lurkerdom?) there's a lot of material on it (including a fan-written novel that's

…sorry about the wide spoiler distribution.
Maybe it's because the show's been off the radar for a while and us old lurkers aren't used to having new fans around.

…sorry about the wide spoiler distribution.
Maybe it's because the show's been off the radar for a while and us old lurkers aren't used to having new fans around.

I've always felt "By Any Means Necessary" really is a good Sinclair episode. Not just for the reasons Yuri Petrovich cites above…O'Hare's somewhat stiff performance actually works when you consider he's locked in a poker game with high stakes and has to figure his way out of the mess without tipping off the other

I've always felt "By Any Means Necessary" really is a good Sinclair episode. Not just for the reasons Yuri Petrovich cites above…O'Hare's somewhat stiff performance actually works when you consider he's locked in a poker game with high stakes and has to figure his way out of the mess without tipping off the other

Also, when he dictates what the report for the Psi Corps will contain and Bester protests "that's a lie", Sinclair shoots back "yes it is; what's your point?" in that smooth, even, almost singsong tone of his…it really works beautifully.
It's also interesting how much more assertive Sinclair is vs. the Psi Cops

Also, when he dictates what the report for the Psi Corps will contain and Bester protests "that's a lie", Sinclair shoots back "yes it is; what's your point?" in that smooth, even, almost singsong tone of his…it really works beautifully.
It's also interesting how much more assertive Sinclair is vs. the Psi Cops