
I stand corrected. It's an odd formation.

Doppelganger. It's just one. Doppelgänger is the plural.


Yeah, I was so stoked for Starcrash, because I genuinely love its cheesy badness, and I really think they fumbled the ball on that one. Overall, I'd give the season a B, though.

Actually, i really liked the turn at the end. To me it warranted sitting through the first couple of episodes, which were just sorta okay.

I'm fifteen minutes in and finding this nigh-unwatchable, partly for the silly gore and the bad CGI dream sequence, but especially for Officer Exposition underlining the good news/bad news aspect of early release v. spousal loss 30 seconds after we just got that information, as if the viewer had maybe missed that

Anyone who sees Mary Jo Pehl in the trailer needs to go to the eye doctor, stat.

After SNL had Trump on as a host, I stopped watching (after over 40 years, mind). They can make fun of him all they want now, but they've effectively tolerated him, and that may not be the same as endorsing him, but it is one step on the way.

Ah, I see I should have read one more comment before posting mine…

Well, he did write those terrible animated shorts that Mallon put up on MST3k.com under the headline "The bots are back!", so that may have something to do with it.

You're right. It should have been set in Bulgaria. Funnier in every way.

I know hat, but few non-Americans do, I suspect.

Since more than just Americans watch MaM, it might be prudent to explain what the hell *67 means.

Seriously, Boom x 4 is the only half-way decent track in the show. The rhyming on it is so-so, but the beat is solid and original.

I don't think I had heard the term Manic Pixie Dream Girl when I saw Garden State (and it may well have been coined after that), but it struck me very quickly that any girl not as objectively beautiful/cute as Natalie Portman would not be able to get away with behaving as obnoxiously as she did. And that's when I

Nice try. Sadly, it hit the goal post and bounced out.

Without Peep Show, I would never have heard this. As it is, I hadn't heard OF it.

He got it so wrong, I didn't even know that's what he was going for.

Well, the last bit first: no one on the show ever said, "put that down Brian". Everyone said,"Put that down, Brian".

It most certainly does. "(take that thing and) put it down Brian". Just because it's decipherable if you ignore grammar doesn't mean it's correct.