
I just don't see how a writer like Jimmy - or, you know, anyone who cares about language - could refrain from pointing out that the improv troupe everyone was calling "Hey, put that down, Brian" is actually called "Hey, put that down Brian", which is most assuredly not the same thing (just as "eat, my friends" and

"The Late Show With, starring Stephen Colbert", nothing else. If you don't get the cadence and provenance of that (the logo says "the Late Show with"), I don't know if you're qualified to comment on Colbert's style of humor. Or it was just a typo/slip-up. Either way…

(psst: deerstalker) carry on.

It's an open goal, but they should have been happy there were any jokes in there at all.

It's okay to choose the path of least resistance when it comes to an aspect of culture. It's a little less endearing to be proud of doing that and then to bash anything that aims a little higher than the lowest common denominator. I get the annoyance at the hipsters, but I think Radiohead transcended that demographic

"unpredictability and adventurousness"

I love the show, but what act lays down a rhyme during the final mix? Seriously…

They didn't have the time. As I recall, this video was made overnight, maybe for Live Aid, or something like that. It was NOT a full-on video shoot either way.

"But the only reason black people and white people aren't "like" each other is because they'"e been kept apart for centuries, even told that they are different species. "

First he says "The first four" U2 records were the great ones, and I wholly support that stance.

You *have* heard of this thing called "torrents", right? You can watch it within a few hours of transmission that way,

Oh, gawd…Shangela's snowman outfit… I had forgotten about that (or, more likely, repressed it).

I love that there was nothing really made of the guy being Damon Fox, lead guy of doom rockers Bigelf, who recently resurfaced with an album after a long hiatus. I was sure it was going to be a PR stunt when I saw who it was.

My wife (with whom I watch RPDR) calls me "a flaming heterosexual". I'm about as gay as you can get without being A) camp and B) into having sex with men.

I would think that any fan of the show would be well aware of this fact. Why would you think they weren't?

And if that humungous a design flaw based in monumental stupidity was built-in to this government facility, it should be a major plot point, not something taken for granted and/or glossed over entirely.

Nope, not even for a second. You lock it down, you don't blow it up. Even so, there's absolutely no reason for the countdown clock, especially if the entire place is sealed anyway so that no escape is (theoretically) possible.

Go ahead and defend blowing up a disease control and research center for any reason and, while you're at it, why it would involve a countdown clock. It's called "forced tension" and it's one of the firs no-nos of good screen-writing of any kind. There are plenty of ways to build tension and interest that don't involve

When you try to use that kind of simple, clear logic to parse TWD you get into deep trouble really, really quick.

The CDC episode that concluded season 1 was one of the worst hours of episodic TV I have ever watched all the way through (in the vain hope that its stupidities wold somehow be redeemed at the end). When season 2 started with an infodump of exposition, I was pretty much out (and the barnful o' zombies was the