Caught Me a Marlin!

+1 bullet hole

ranch and mayo is better!

try having your wife say that to you as she stares at your belly that eclipses the tv from her view...I’m not saying I’ve been fat shamed, but I’ve been fat shamed.

you monster!

rickety cricket is that you?

If that’s the case, he’s perfected our passive-aggressive virtues to the core!

I’m holding you to this. He’s got to go!

Leave PJ alone! I know his methods may get old to the get-off-the-lawners out there but he’s not selling himself to you. He’s selling himself to 18-23 years olds, and is doing a heck of a job. May not be pretty at first, but heck even a diamond starts off as a carbon byproduct in the beginning.

Can we be best furiends!??

but we were the first team to 4 super bowls. And the first to lose 4! so ha!

santorum - now there’s a blast from the past!

Now why do you have to go and bring up these horrible and defining memories for us Vikes fans? Who hurt you as a kid?

the dude’s head traveled back in space and time to where CTE was a....well the dude already forgot...

Now that’s what I call a rumble buggy


shit, he’s cried wolf so many times that a pace maker wouldn’t even believe him!

You forgot the pauses where he comes up for air from sucking Meyers d.

easy: logic = straight line | illogical = left turns only like a NASCAR track or oval as logical people would call it. form a never ending repeating track with your statement and wallah!

This one is really growing on me, but it needs more nurturing!