
Re: Sci-Fi vs. Fantasy; It seems that for the genre with the word "Real" right in the acronym, Deus-Ex Machina > Deus-Ex Magicka


Speaking of Capitalism pinko, this article is full of instances where the word "productive" should have been used instead of the word income.

lol East - West = zero

Can you play Starcraft on your tablet?

shoulda used Cryptocat!

Please quit the slavespeak. The (inept) CA government is going to TAKE taxes, Amazon's just complying at the point of a gun, and passing the cost on the customers.

Follow the constitution. Gold standard. Silver standard. Problem solved.

I don't think Ebay knows what the word "metaphysical" means...

I feel like this letter is relevant: Famous Russian-escapee and advocate of liberty Ayn Rand wrote an open letter to Russian chess champion Boriss Spasky in 1974 about the importance (and immutability) of principles (and Bobby Fischer acting like a child). http://book.zi5.me/books/read/1720/8

If this guy doesn't get the death penalty, think about how many movies he'll get to watch - and enjoy! - in his lifetime. He'll be having sex, getting married and having children!

I want to agree with you. I also understand that a country that doesn't respect the rights of its citizens surely cannot respect the rights of its neighbors. The war needs to be (and is) ideological... and there are basically no political leaders in the United States that are capable of doing it.

Answer: of course.

The crime: conducting business in an unfrandly manner.

This guy really should have used the indefinite article for the title of his graph. "A graph of ideas." A.

Requirements like "we want to raise a child with a healthy body, rather than someone who is deformed." or "we want a child with healthy mind, rather someone who has suffered brain damage." I smell equality BS here; your snark is unwarranted for these people who are going after their goals.

This made me think of collecting jiggys in Clanker's Cavern

I get the feeling that this is mostly a defensive, patent-camping manoeuvre.

In my fantasy, at this "presentation", someone stands up at the close and shouts "I WANT TO LEARN ABOUT SCIENCE, NOT THIS HIPPIE LIBERAL BULLSHIT" and storms out.

Its so the government can keep you from being too productive/profitable without permission.