
"The causes of illusions are not pretty to discover. They're either vicious or tragic. This one is both. Mainly vicious. And it's not a gag. But we won't go into that now. All I mean is that a board of directors is one or two ambitious men—and a lot of ballast. I mean that groups of men are vacuums. Great big empty

This article is evil. "Cash is the currency of crime."?! I want to say that phrase is startlingly ignorant, but I also think that mistakes of this size aren't made innocently. "Cash" is the currency of private transactions. Is this what you consider evil?

These are amazing machines! Please don't steal my money to pay for them!

I think the government should intervene.

How about the central banking conspiracy? Money represents value, but people don't seem to realize there's a problem with one private company (The FED) having a violence-enforced monopoly to secretly manufacture/loan out these "coupons?"

Capitalism could save it, but Africa/Middle East is not very good at that.


"Schmidt's willingness to admit they had OVERestimated the technology." -> UNDERestimated the technology. #corrections #geezguys

Ironic that it's the guy WITH the laser, playing the part of the ant under the magnifying glass.

inb4 liberals saying it's racist to require syntax, subjects predicates and objects etc.

Outstanding video and information. These are the type of stories for which I love reading i09.

Historically, the United States has been here to remind you that "this is the amount we are asking you to pay based on the principle of free exchange, value for value; and this is the separate amount which the government is taking from you by force." It is good that these measurements are separated.

So like... If the Earth stops orbiting the sun, this thing will rear-end us?

I've read thousands of pages on an ipad over the past few weeks.

Another person willing to risk death to escape communism. There's a pattern to the direction people run. People, please start identifying the ideology itself as vicious; it's not just "poor execution."

I liked a lot of what you said, but

The government, was not invited into my pot. They didn't wager anything, or offer a value, and they don't have a legitimate authority to tax. Poker's pure, so this principle matters. If poker gets regulated online in the US, it's going to mean higher rake, less competition between sites, and less money "on the

Just a "thank you for bringing our little chebol's fiefdom into modernity" would be enough.

Korean companies don't comprehend / respect IP. Samsung's business model, goals and methods are basically how to most effectively copy other companies products or services, while (domestically) stifling competition from the (foreign) originator and (desperately) posturing in the hopes of convincing the customer of

US GOVERNMENT, Goddamn you for making online poker illegal. How dare you, you small, mean little parasitic thugs who are afraid of your own freedom - never mind the freedom of others - to trade according to their own judgement. In a way, I feel like this was inevitable, given the philosophical decay and power grabbing