
Go watch the PBS ancestry show with Henry Louis Gates. The man’s entire family in Europe was killed in the Holocaust and preceding pogroms in Eastern Europe.

Maybe we’re living inside a Larry David sitcom, and the purpose of the monologue was to be awkward and make everyone uncomfortable.

I first played StarCraft as a two-map demo that came on a disc from a magazine purchase. It blew me away! I played those two, tiny maps to death. Then, finally, the full game was released and I got in a bit of trouble for how much time I was spending on the computer. I remember getting stuck, toward the end of the

Nooooooo Overwatch did everything first. Its the first of its kind. Cowboys got inspiration from McCree. Disneys Frozen heard Mei say Let it Go and thought “Omg perfect”


I’m disagreeing with you so hard right now.

YOU! ARE! A! TOY! You are NOT the real Kid Ultra! You’re a... you’re an ACTION FIGURE! You are a CHILD’S PLAY THING!