Just like John Stewart said: Her target demo for that line was kids innocent enough to still believe in Santa, but racist enough to be outraged at the idea of him being black. Well racist kids and the left shark commenter.
Just like John Stewart said: Her target demo for that line was kids innocent enough to still believe in Santa, but racist enough to be outraged at the idea of him being black. Well racist kids and the left shark commenter.
Successful Black people...don't forget successful....the success aspect of it makes them lose their shit.
Why are you attacking him so much, do you know him, did he punch your mother?
My husband made a good point. If he was white and in politics, he would be elected to office meaning that those people say even more insane stuff and people applaud them for it and elect them to speak for them. The media is just prejudice.
Ugh, she's a disgusting nightmare. I haven't seen her in 20 years (knock wood), but last I knew her she was a lying, narcissistic, social-climbing psychopath.
Professional opinion from someone with no horse in this race but has a background in fashion criticism: His eye is very sophisticated and his approach to fashion is intellectual; much more so than you'd normally get from someone who is relatively new to the game. His design is still young and shaky and thus not great,…
Maybe this is why she has it out for him. Thanks for the inside info, man. Keeping it real.
And arrogant has always been code for black man who refuses to stay in the lane that white folks demand they keep to.
Interesting read, particularly this point:
It always frustrates me when people mock him for arrogance because he's made it fairly clear he makes a pointed choice to be arrogant because of the way black voices have been consistently devalued. I know he's said it explicitly in interviews but he says basically the same thing in his lyrics all the time — I won't…
I'm a black woman. It's black history month. My president is black. Am vaguely interested as to why you find mentioning blackness "weird".
He's such a SAVAGE!
Funny enough, I actually stumbled upon his mom's book the other day, due entirely to a Facebook fight. Let me begin by saying that while I love Kanye as a musician, I hate that the pretty obvious racist comments hurled at him constantly have basically turned me into a militant Kanye defender.
You would not believe how many assholes I dismissed yesterday after making this exact point. Like, it's not even a subtle move on his part. Kanye West dressed his black daughter in a bullet-proof vest in 2015.
Yeah... in a country where a child was shot mere months ago for playing outside while black. That crazy Kanye! What will he think of next?
I love the way he is passionate about his own work and has this crazy work ethic. You can totally tell his mom taught him to praise his efforts because no one else would do so for him...her being a black mom I don't blame her. I just love Kanye, where people see jerk (and yes he has crossed the line) I mostly see…
And yet, it happened on this very site. http://jezebel.com/north-west-lik…
All the Kanye haters are jokes.
ETA: ugh, formatting got all borked. Apologies. You know what I mean :D
Kanye's just starting out, and while it might just be my commoner's opinion on the matter, I'd say his take on style is rather fresh and unique. I'd buy a few pieces, if I could afford them. I can't, so... you've lost me as a customer, Kanye. :(