
Ha, so true.

I'm not outraged all the time, but I'm damned angry a lot. Being a black person in America can do that to you. These CPACers have far too many imaginary grievances.

Your post = perfection

She's not out of it. She has a mind like a steel trap. This was deliberate and illegal.

There's no way in hell I'd ever vote for her. Well, maybe if I lived in a swing state but since I'm a NYer I will vote third party if she's the nominee. I voted for Jill Stein in 2012.

Everyone lies, why would teens be the exception?

LOL, and still no answer to the original question. Have a beautiful afternoon.

Perception is not reality. I put the word in quotes to indicate I was quoting you. Your passive-aggressive response is what upped the ante, at least it was in my opinion. I really don't think you have an answer to my question so I'll just leave it at that.

It's a baiting question to ask you why you think she doesn't deserve opportunity? That's funny. If you can't articulate the reasons then just afmit it. Why is she undeserving?

Why exactly does Nene not "deserve" opportunities?

Dammit, I'll have to come up with another plan.

I doubt she'll work at a law firm or any other "job". I hope she sits back and recharges before she commits to anything.

Palin would take her, that woman is vicious.

The right uses the 3 Rs (racism, resentment, religion) with expert precision.

Please, someone make this happen. First "celebrities": Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and Victoria Jackson.

She's smarter than that; she knows nothing she does could ever be "uncontroversial". Tain't easy being a black woman in America, nor is it easy to be a pioneer. The first lady knows this via intelligence and experience.

The law isn't a bad thing. This con artist seeking to cheat those who are living with cancer via some bogus-assed, anti-science, anti-logic, anti-decency treatments is.

They believe poor women are unworthy of intimacy and have no right to a sex life because how dare they not spend every second of their lives feeling shame at being poor.

Poor people are perennially punished in America. Politicians get elected by promising to further dis-empower and disenfranchise them because so many Americans are too denial-filled to recognize that they themselves are one step away from being just as poor. They've been brainwashed to believe that they're somehow

Good for her. Her explanation doesn't seem all that cumbersome to me.