Tea, Black, cream and sugar

They probably already bought everything they wanted from Amazon anyway/waiting for CyberMonday.

I guess it's like Fumble, as in fumble in the dark ether that is the internet."

*eye-roll* LGBT make up a small percent of the overall population yet seem to manage coupling. Your numbers are better by at least a factor of ten. Maybe there's just something wrong with you?

I just can't with the breedery nonsense. Are there any adjectives less sexy than proper safe and respectful? It's all sex negative nonsense.

You would be that "political lesbian" I've heard of and thought ceased existing in the 1970s. Also why lesbians shouldn't hang out with straight women.

How was Cougarlife.com?

Dating for straight Americans: you're doing it wrong and even if not you'll be told you are.

Well if Amanda Lepore looked good in it, it's OK.

As long as it was for real, to the death.

Only the poors wouldn't have a retinue to help carry the thing.

It's almost big enough to cover a Kardashian ass.