No no you don’t understand, if something originates on reddit you are not allowed to talk about it anywhere else or it doesn’t count and you lose 100 internet points for not being first.
No no you don’t understand, if something originates on reddit you are not allowed to talk about it anywhere else or it doesn’t count and you lose 100 internet points for not being first.
How else would hockey fans in Toronto know what the Cup looks like?
I also knew it was a haisley article, because right below the headline it says “billy haisley.”
Okay, fine, I’ll put it away, but first you’re gonna have to explain to me how pretentious music reviews were supposed to help this situation in the first place.
Honest to God, I suggest the following for everyone:
Sometimes, sports feel good.
Jason obviously shouldn’t review Insane Franchise Sequel 6 because he gave Insane Franchise Sequel 5 a lukewarm review.
McAduly noted
You blew a once in a lifetime headline.
Like keeping Fitz and Simmons apart?
I don’t know if I read this book.
Could we have done it differently? I guess you argue that we could’ve, yes: The Ben McAdoo Story
This just makes me want a Xenosaga remaster even more.
Would be nice to get remastered Xenosaga series. Though after just acceptable story that was Xenoblade Chronicles, and complete disaster of the narrative that Xenoblade X suffered from... I’m kind of afraid to find out that Xenogears was a one time wonder, far above their subsequent work.
Magary kind of sounds like Bill Murray, except without all of the laughter that follows when Bill Murray tells a joke.
Did anyone ever figure out which burner account belonged to Radcliffe?
what a bunch of suckers, having to come in and work during the DAY, unlike the smart and talented NIGHT BLOGGER who has hours to relax and recover...
Good Morning Kinjaers!
I guessed correctly, which is a real waste of my luck allocation for the year.