Tourach's Doorbell

Insane Franchise Sequel 5 felt like such a retread, IMHO.

You mean, “allegedly”

Wait, are we not putting condiments on both sides of the sandwich? I was raised to apply them directly to the bread, then add materials.

But... who’s Rosebud?

they have no business whatsoever telling someone that they can’t monetize their talents when the entire function of their organization is to monetize that person’s talents

Am I missing anything significant in VIII’s story if this is the first Ys I play? This looks great and convinced me to give it a try, but I’m hoping I don’t get lost in a ton of references.

You should be watching paying waaaay more.

In my head, “Crimson for Vita” is why it’s stuck in there. Highly unlikely, but that’s the dream until I pick up a PS4.

You hate to see it. Youngblood’s is such an insidious art infection.

“Download this version,” probably.

You nailed it. Depending on the deck, there are LOTS of counters to track. Dice do it a lot more efficiently, though I still have those glass counters from the starter pack oh-so-long ago.

Agreed. Base-level stuff. I was excited for some discussion of his list and hearing a bit about his history with the game.

These are wonderful, but any real discussion gets stymied by Kinja’s inability to sort chronologically.

And thanks to you, I bought it too. Nice deal.

*Yahoo Answers

Unreasonably excited to see the reference, really. I still have the full collection of books on a shelf, complete with Applegate’s signature on #7.

Friday the 13th Part 2:

“Jason celebrates the first anniversary with a good nap in the hammock.”

Not to mention the unlimited Time Walk ($1268), Timetwister ($929)and Ancestral Recall ($1949) along the bottom ( Those are part of the famed “Power 9" as well, even if the Lotus is the crown jewel.

Persona 4 Golden here. Way, way behind the times but it’s gotten me thinking about JRPGs again after a looong time away.