Looking at that header photo, I’m reminded that it all comes back to that hair.
Looking at that header photo, I’m reminded that it all comes back to that hair.
Try the ... wine?
Peroni is an abomination and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Wrestling coach here. I am tired of hearing the same thing from my fellow coaches and wrestling parents: “Wrestling toughens these kids up”; “I made my kid wrestle to build character!”; “I signed my son up to wrestle to make him tough!”
3 out of 4 Adrian Petersons agree.
Good thing beating your kids will only make them great athletes and have no other consequences.
Is your kid not Heisman caliber? Then you’re not beating him hard enough.
I love a good Western, but I’m so tired of the apathy—or outright disdain—that most creators, even modern ones, in the genre have toward Native American characters. I appreciate you highlighting a few that have tried to remedy some of the sins of the past, but...damn, it’s way past time for a Western film that centers…
The Franchise Tag should double every consecutive year it is used. The teams get off way too easy with that shit.
Wow. That's, kind of incredible and awful! (I guess something is better than nothing per game?)
Flat rate - when I played it was $16k(losers)/$32k(winners) for wild card/divisional round, $25k/$50k for conference championship, and $50k/$100k for the Super Bowl.
If owners are willing to collude not to sign Kapernick, I can see them colluding to massively underbid for Bell.
Strong username-comment synergy, but:
It’s gotta be weird for a lot of us that read this site and others like it because most of us likely spent our afternoons after high school and/or college watching Around The Horn and PTI and influenced one way or another how we view sports, sports fandom.
No piece about a Chicago athlete is complete without Michael Wilbon’s delicious brand of starfucking/stanning.
Dude this movie mocks, scorns, and laments HUMANITY. It just uses bible stories as a framework. Calm down. Well, this is almost a year later so I guess you’re probably pretty calm already. Carry on.
Why the fuck is it impossible for these gutless fucks to let women do anything nerdy or nerd-adjacent without being harassed
No. The review clearly states that as time goes on they accumulate more and more people.
rapidly devolves into a violent nightmare of cannibalism, cultism, and genocide, gruesomely parodying the narrative of Christianity, from Genesis to the gospels.