Did Donald Trump design it?
Did Donald Trump design it?
No one tell Ernie someone is encouraging discussions on his drive-by system.
No one tell Ernie someone is encouraging discussions on his drive-by system.
I stopped clicking Load More Comments after about 10 times. And it loaded all of 50 comments.
I stopped clicking Load More Comments after about 10 times. And it loaded all of 50 comments.
I stopped clicking Load More Comments after about 10 times. And it loaded all of 50 comments.
Doesn't seem to work on iPads anything.
Doesn't seem to work on iPads anything.
Then quit, obviously. That’s to HisNoodlyAppendage, since no one without the plugin will have a clue.
Every time I return it makes me log back in. The last time I had to re-register, but once I was in it synced up the comments I already made. I think we already broke it.
Every time I return it makes me log back in. The last time I had to re-register, but once I was in it synced up the comments I already made. I think we already broke it.
I tried switching to Chrome to use the extension, and it won't let me login because another user with my email has that username. Yes, that's me. I'm the user.
I tried switching to Chrome to use the extension, and it won't let me login because another user with my email has that username. Yes, that's me. I'm the user.
It didn't when I posted. But now it's buried so far down I don't feel like taking the effort to click "load more comments" a few hundred times.
It didn't when I posted. But now it's buried so far down I don't feel like taking the effort to click "load more comments" a few hundred times.
No one is every going to read anything after the first 20 or so, and even that takes some effort to sort through. I knew it would be bad, and it's beyond my wildest expectations.
No one is every going to read anything after the first 20 or so, and even that takes some effort to sort through. I knew it would be bad, and it's beyond my wildest expectations.
Even though i know there's no other way to filter comments, I keep going to the top right corner to sort by newest. What a fucking cluster fuck of a system.
Even though i know there's no other way to filter comments, I keep going to the top right corner to sort by newest. What a fucking cluster fuck of a system.
I have no idea if I'm in the grays or not because it's impossible to scroll through enough comments to find yours.