I have no idea if I'm in the grays or not because it's impossible to scroll through enough comments to find yours.
I have no idea if I'm in the grays or not because it's impossible to scroll through enough comments to find yours.
Load more comments. Load more comments. Load more comments. Load more comments. Boy, this is fucking fun, huh?
Yeah, that’s not super clear. I guess mine worked too, even though it kept going back to the same “accept” screen. What a great first impression.
Testing, testing. Sipowicz. Sipowicz.
Yep. I wouldn't be shocked if it's part of the Kinjaing.
HW and Mrs. Bush spoke at my high school for a reason I don't really remember. The town won some sort of economic award maybe? The only part of the speech that really sticks out to me is when Mrs. Bush told a story about going to a nude beach, and then I decided I'd be a democrat in hopes of wiping away that mental…
I'm not able to view comments without it opening in a new tab. Oh, and it logged me out of my AV Club account and logging in with AV Club credentials isn't even an option listed anymore. So…yay?
Leftist AND Butthurt. I'm a cuck away from alt-right bingo.
And when you fail the obligation, as Hughes did, there are consequences.
Mine did, but it was just expired steaks in a used KFC bucket.
In every single urban area, Hillary improved with all demographics. Voters over 65, college educated whites, high income earners. Of course, this was wiped out by the destruction in the non urban centers, but this fixation on "millenials" is just fucking bizarre.
When the extinct factories aren't restored in 4 years, you really think the rust belt is going to be fine still being an economic sinkhole?
The website manager is going to be in charge of the 2024 GOP campaign, and it will become a mainstream source of news for conservatIves.
I live on thr east coast and have never once called, or even thought, of the center of the country as fly over territory. These people are rebeling against a stereotype invented by conservatives to justify hatred of urban population centers.
Charlotte is still standing. And what did occur there was not done by white "SJW," but by people sick of being slaughtered just for fun.
I thought Trump was voted in by those left behind in thr economic recovery. Wouldn't they be the non-contributors? Or are you admitting that, nah, we just wanted the racist dude because we ranted to normalize the behavior that got us mocked by civilized people?
But they are pretty fucking racist. I'm sort of excited to see what happens to his supporters when minorities still exist in 2 years.
I'm from a large city and spent my childhood visiting, and loving, rural Wisconsin. I'm willing to bet the vast majority of people that grew up in urban or suburban areas visited plenty of rural America. We aren't the ones that have to leave our bubble.
Every concern with Obama was based on paranoid fantasies with no basis in reality. He never implied he'd steal your guns or implement sharia law, but that was the fear. We're scared of the candidates actual campaign promises.
I have a coworker that is angrily insisting that the media has created the racial tensions. So reporting on black people being murdered for no reason is a greater concern than voting for a proud racist.