It’s been days and I’m still unreasonably glad someone got the joke.
Hey now, they are proud recipients of the ES-PEEN fuckbuddies fellowship.
On a more serious note, who cries for ESPN? If there’s one great thing that the internet has done, it’s allow me to consume sports news from non-ESPN outlets.
I agree with you completely. I still hate that “success in soccer” is defined almost exclusively in European terms.
So, I have no idea where you’re coming up with this. My argument, summarized, is as follows:
I’m not suggesting the award be bestowed differently, just that I get where he’s coming from.
I hate to say it, but I kind of see his point. I think he’s being a dick about it, and on the merits I think PEA was the better player, but there’s an taint of “only European soccer accomplishments matter” that, as an American soccer fan, I sympathize with.
So I said to David Eckstein, “You promised me, Eckstein, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I noticed that during the most trying periods of my life, there have only been one set of prints in the sand. Why, when I have needed you most, have you not been there for me?” David Eckstein replied,…
“It burns us, precious!” —Reince Priebus
They’ve got plenty of gas, though.
This seems like an excellent chance to shit all over Leitch and his team, a hallowed Deadspin tradition.
Maybe we’d be there if we didn’t have to listen your mouth noises and could commune with you using our eyeballs.
Texans are just Minnesotans who have been left in the sun too long.
Two things.
Is anyone surprised by this? It’s not the first time racists in the Midwest have mistaken Indians for Arabs.
This is kind of the last nail in the coffin for the whole “scrappy underdogs winning championships with homegrown players” bullshit, yeah?