Tiger Champ Sport Kid

That was my first thought as well. It might as well have a Geocities URL and animated gifs of spinning bats and balls.

So, the relevance of the F-35 example is that the military doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt when it comes to fiscal rectitude. And yes, all your questions are valid. The charitable answer to your final question is pretty clear: because they’ve been shit on, irradiated or shot at by every institution supposedly

Oh, I see—you’re disagreeing with an assertion I didn’t make, rather than addressing the claim I did make, which is, for the record: however this issue is resolved your claim that taking their land is a benefit for 330 million people is preposterous.

“Benefit to 330 million people” /= “Marginal improvement in Area 51 security.” Sorry, man, it’s pretty clear from the article that they’ve got the place pretty well shrinkwrapped. Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.

That is some Queen Elizabeth II-level handwaving there. “the public benefit” here must be specified and valorized, not merely asserted. What benefit are 330m people (as opposed to defense contractors and the USAF) getting?


Yeah, those are bullshit and not legally actionable.

Speaking from experience: don’t ever say this on Reddit. You’re right, but just... don’t.

I am of the same age and disposition. Go, go, ‘82. The only true millennials.

This is the soccer equivalent of chumming the water.

I am one of the undried, and I’ll tell you why I do it: I’m lazy, soaking up water is what the bathmat is for, and I can just wash it when it gets gross.

I’m still angry about losing the B-Side.

The arcane nature of NFL rules is why I firmly believe that the end state of the NFL is a quarterback who knows the rulebook so well he can get the defense flagged for penalties on every play until he’s forced to execute a handoff at the goal line.

“The Patriots get away with murder.”


I hate Boston fans so much that I created new Burner accounts just to give more stars to this post. The worst thing about Deflategate is that it will give fans the Super Bowl winning Patriots a reason to think of themselves as underdogs while they pound shitty beer at bars that are only open until 9PM on dates where

I don’t care if it’s a brand, anyone over the age of 6 should be ashamed to have their name on their underpants.

My favorite was when Sterling accidentally used A-Rod’s call for a Matsui homerun.